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  • Crew

Ok here some explanations:

-8mb TNT cards, Chris Ney promised testing for performance differences but until now he didnt report back

-AIW wont be added anymore. I will have to go through db and merge all already existing cards

-6800 cards, I made a list with the cards needed to be added. Probably need to go through all subs and sort them according their specs. A lot time needed

-same for rage cards, created a list with models I think that they have existed. Though I have no card with SGR mems would really like to know what GPU-Z is showing. I ordered as much different cards on ebay as I could find. I crawled through a lot of websites, still I cant reliable say that my list is complete and correct


Oh and did you know? I dont get money for this. Im working as a volunteer on this but I cant even list this as a reference cause nobody in industry cares. "What did you? Working as db moderator for hwbot? lol!"

So its really up to me for what Im spending my time, though its clear adding a motherboard takes 2 minutes. For those rage and 6800 changes its hours.

Oh and did you know? I dont get money for this. Im working as a volunteer on this but I cant even list this as a reference cause nobody in industry cares. "What did you? Working as db moderator for hwbot? lol!"


You did not understand. I am angry not because does not added my card, but from the some, added quickly and without question (about the reality of the existence of the card) and almost ignore others


eg show - what is this card nv40 64 bit? Photo this card? I am not found nothing similar in Google. Who added this card, and why?


-8mb TNT cards, Chris Ney promised testing for performance differences but until now he didnt report back

Did unclear logically that if there are differences of 16 and 32, then 16 and 8 they will be even more


-AIW wont be added anymore. I will have to go through db and merge all already existing cards

OK, but why is http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/all_in_wonder_radeon_ddr/ Remind how it added? Post number #55 in this topic ;) Quickly and no questions


SGR - yes GPU-Z is not showing. Unfortunately.


Well, the Radeon R100 situation is a bit more complicated.


In reality there are following cards based on the R100 GPU:

Radeon SDR - 32 MB SDRAM, 160/160 MHz

Radeon 7200 - 64 MB SDRAM, 155/155 MHz

Radeon LE - 32 MB DDR, 148/148 MHz + disabled Hyper-Z

Radeon DDR - 32/64 MB DDR - 166/166 MHz (some of them are AIW)

Radeon DDR VIVO - 64 MB DDR - 183/183 MHz


On HWBOT we currently have:

All-In-Wonder Radeon DDR

Radeon 7200 DDR

Radeon 7200 SDR


At some point ATi decided to rename all R100 Radeons to simple "Radeon 7200 Series". So it is difficult to determine what type exactly you have. I guess because of that we have only two categories - R7200 SDR and DDR.

Plus the All-In-Wonder Radeon DDR which was added on my request some time ago. Not because of the TV Tuner and Video IN... these have no impact on overclocking. I asked to add it because it is a different videocard with lower default clock. Same as for example GF4 MX 440 and MX 460.



I agree AIW variants should be merged - if they are 100% identical to existing variant of given VGA (apart of the TV tuner of course). From the top of my head - Rage 128 Pro / Rage 128 Pro AIW or Radeon 9000 / Radeon 9000 AIW. For example these have identical memory and stock frequency.

In reality there are following cards based on the R100 GPU:

Radeon SDR - 32 MB SDRAM, 160/160 MHz

Radeon 7200 - 64 MB SDRAM, 155/155 MHz

Radeon LE - 32 MB DDR, 148/148 MHz + disabled Hyper-Z

Radeon DDR - 32/64 MB DDR - 166/166 MHz (some of them are AIW)

Radeon DDR VIVO - 64 MB DDR - 183/183 MHz


Clocks - full nonsense IMHO. Importance has is the latency of memory installed and it is not always (and can not being verified). And revision GPU. And the type of memory

Look at the abundance of graphics cards where on "normal" memory is better than "Ultra",

Or maybe the contrary - what the manufacturer wanted to install.

It's about the old AGP card, at least


PS I have GF2 MX400 with clocks 166/142 128bit (and ram 7ns) - new category for this card?


PSPS Therefore of the aboveI would divide the:


Radeon SDR - 32 MB SDRAM, 160/160 MHz

Radeon 7200 - 64 MB SDRAM, 155/155 MHz

Radeon LE - 32 MB DDR, 148/148 MHz + disabled Hyper-Z

Radeon DDR - 32/64 MB DDR - 166/166 MHz (some of them are AIW)

Radeon DDR VIVO - 64 MB DDR - 183/183 MHz


Clock and RAM timing are tied together. 155 - 166 MHz = 6ns RAM, 183 MHz = 5.5ns RAM. Check this:

Radeon DDR -> http://kwaz.cz/index.php?strana=grafika&idg=200&pocetvyrobcegpu=ATi - 166 MHz, 6ns DDR

Radeon DDR VIVO -> http://kwaz.cz/index.php?strana=grafika&idg=186&pocetvyrobcegpu=ATi - 183 MHz, 5.5ns DDR



GF2 MX400 is a different case - clock and memory type varies... but name remains the same. So only one category for this one.


Radeon R100 exists in 5 different versions (official by ATi) and they have (had) different name.

  • Crew
  RomanLV said:

eg show - what is this card nv40 64 bit? Photo this card? I am not found nothing similar in Google. Who added this card, and why?


OK, but why is http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/all_in_wonder_radeon_ddr/ Remind how it added? Post number #55 in this topic ;) Quickly and no questions


Turricans strategy was adding anything which had something different on GPU-Z / CPU-Z screen and did not show up in db. This was the fastest solution and I guess because of the huge amount of hardware which needed to be added it was the right one. Unfortunately this created also some problems like categorys for never existed hardware like the famous Athlon MP 1700+.

When Antinomy took over his strategy was creating a db as exact as possible. And this takes time.


About that 64bit NV40: http://web.archive.org/web/20080208081509/http://www.biostar.com.tw/app/en-us/vga/content.php?S_ID=40

Posted (edited)
  havli said:
Clock and RAM timing are tied together. 155 - 166 MHz = 6ns RAM, 183 MHz = 5.5ns RAM.


This is not always. I can show many examples with the establishment of a faster memory (and low clocks). When 166MHz and 5ns eg


:eek: sorry, did not know about the existence of such a miracle Edited by RomanLV
  • 4 weeks later...
  • Crew
  RomanLV said:
Please add:

6800 nv40 128bit



AIW 9000



AIW Rage 128



3Dlabs Permelia 2V



TNT2 M64 8Mb (16&32 has already)



Separate (add 8Mb versions):

Riva TNT



Riva TNT2 M64 Vanta












Did not found TNT2 M64 8MB on the net do you can show a picture of the card?

  • Crew

Ok I think it just got confirmed by a second person:


Picture would be still nice, especially of the chip. Are those really M64 chips or are they Vanta ones with some special bios.


Also added 8Mb and 16Mb Vanta LE variants.




Please guys, include everest or aida pics for those old cards with your next subs. No one can distinguish with just GPU-Z or PowerStrip. I will try to get the rules updated.


No disrespect, but are you really sure this TNT2 is only 8MB part?

The sticker suggests 16MB... and although 8MB consisting of 4 SGRAM modules is possible, these particular ones looks identical to those used on Voodoo3 PCI http://hw-museum.cz/data/vga/pic/big/3dfx_Voodoo3_2000_PCI_SGR_F.jpg So 4*4 MB = 16 in total (and 128bit too).


Even Everest can be wrong sometimes - my Voodoo4 4500 PCI is detected as 64MB, which is wrong obviously. Or another possibility - BIOS of this particular TNT2 is somehow broken and only 8MB is active (although it seems physically 16MB is present in total). I saw this once, long time ago, on GF2 Ti - which was working only as 32MB / 64bit.... although it was 64MB / 128bit physically.


There is a way to know for sure what amount of VRAM is there.

Try what maximum resolution it can run (in 3D mode). Lets say Quake 3 Arena - 1024x768x32 should be impossible to run on 8MB videocard and still should work on 16MB.

  • 3 weeks later...
No disrespect, but are you really sure this TNT2 is only 8MB part?

The sticker suggests 16MB... and although 8MB consisting of 4 SGRAM modules is possible,


Marking the videocard - 16MB

marking memory (KM4132G4112Q) - 32Mbit = 4Mbyte (*4chips =16Mbyte) http://www.datasheetarchive.com/dlmain/Datasheets-110/DSAP004913.pdf

Conclusion - bug (videocard or program) or fault of ram (or GPU)

But there is another variant. I can a specially change the size of memory (but I could not do it directly on this ASUS 3800 (was made on others cards) ;)

But the changes are real - exhibited 8MB give results relevant 8MB (not 16Mb)

  • Crew

Actually I think we should not split those up. We could do this to be more correctly but we than also have to add:

Mobile K6

Mobile K6-2

Embedded K6-2

Embedded K6-2+

Mobile K6-III-P

Embedded K6-III+


This is a lot of stuff and none of them can be properly detected by any program.

But I think its up to discussion.

Posted (edited)

My main opinion is the same - there should be no exceptions.

I'm not against the division, and I'm not against unification.

But there should not be that one person created category just for 500MHz processor, but do not created all the rest the line processors

Should not be created category "Mobile K6-III-P" processor, but do not created "Mobile K6-2" processors (eg), ets.

or all, or nothing!

Edited by RomanLV

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