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  • Crew

Em, I'm not sure my e-mail wasn't added by RB to the black list :D

So I'll repeat some


Make a hardware database with a more full info, like this one: http://hwbot.org/article/news/gpu_1088 but make it for else categories (can make a community work - don't need to write by yourself). By this you will have maybe the biggest database about hardware specs, not only the performance.


Yet again, the hardware specs that are presented should be cleaned - some have wrong description (core name, CPU names etc.).

And I suggest some categories or I think better to call them "subfamilies" should be sorted - quite a mess in some of them.


Do you need a list or

you reply to every suggestion "not possible", "bad idea" or "no time"
? :D
  • Crew

I mean similar article about the family or model introduction, pre-production facts and capabilities. For example, I don't see such a thing here: http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce4_ti_4200_8x


Just got these two first, don't think there's much besides them. The CPUs can be described too.


And I don't understand the thing about checking the hardware specs or reorganizing some subfamilies to require a budget if I could make a full list what has to be fixed. Just click all pages and check for mistakes.


For a small example - what is a Celeron doing here: http://hwbot.org/browseHardwareProcessors.do?cpuSubFamilyId=128

Or why is the 486 family showing a "crap" error? :D


Or I missed something and these mistaked require manufacturer support in some indirect way?

  • Crew

I've must missed something - can you show were exactly I suggested to add a new feature, not related to content adding (read - text), but coding/feature adding? :)


I didn't mean to make any coding. Though, the donate button works, so I should start seeking for Paypal transfer capabity :)


I've not entirely thought this out, but instead of having alllllll the search options available in every category by default, could there be only a few displayed by default, but with an advanced search option, that brings up all the new features added?


I like the new dearch fields in the categories... but its kinda intimidating, the amount of options we have. I've been with HWB since almost the start and im thinking "whoa...." a new guy to HWB or benching/ overclocking might feel pretty overwhelmed



Simple is good :)

  • 1 month later...
  • Crew

Hey, David Blaine, what did you do with the search? :D

In the morning I could enter "486" in processor search field and get the full list (remember, the 486 category link is dead ;)). And now entering 486 shows only these CPUs. Maybe it's a search engine bug?

If so, it might be easier to delete the "i" from all names - the categories at the present moment are for all CPUs - doesn't matter whether it's Intels i486DX4-100 or AMD Am486DX4-100 or even Cyrix 5x86 (which though is questionable but not with the current number of results).

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