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Vinster last won the day on June 7 2018

Vinster had the most liked content!


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  1. I don't see 7zip in the list any changing it it? Vin
  2. Game Benches would be a nice addition. Would just have to see what games offer the benchmark for free. Not everyone is in to Division2, Tomb Raider, etc... Would be a smaller sample set.
  3. Goofing around. Been years, messing with BM Delete if I broke a rule.
  4. Goofing around. Been years, messing with BM Delete if I broke a rule.
  5. Goofing around. Been years, messing with BM Delete if I broke a rule.
  6. Goofing around. Been years, messing with BM Delete if I broke a rule.
  7. Ya, but still a ton left for ppl to bench and beat out there... Vin
  8. What do the X's in parentheses mean (X) ? Vin
  9. Like the dark theme... Vin
  10. Thank you for that. Vin
  11. Elite usually (or used to be, I've been out a bit) represent a sponsored OverClocker... like the ones you noted. Nobody can compete against someone with an endless amount of HW and resources. so they are the Elite... then there is everyone else... Vin
  12. Can this be stickied and then force read to any new member.. like a popup that says "Yes I read this" before their account is activated? Glad you didn't leave. Vin
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