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Everything posted by Vinster

  1. lol Vin
  2. Now that I see it, the placement makes sense. Thanks Vin
  3. I've been looking at them but no where do I see a "Create a Challenge" button. how are they being created? thanks Vin
  4. I just noticed it, but in my teams wall every day we get the 4000point achievement. but we are a hair below 4900pts. can you see why? http://www.hwbot.org/team/411_overkill/ Thanks Vin
  5. ^So you only have to do this once? and then that's it? Thanks for finding this Vin
  6. Win7-64bit SP1. it was fine before installing the all-in-one. then after I couldn't. I was getting an "Access is denied" error when I tried. I did a system restore to before the install and it's OK now. I have only tried it on 1 system. my bench setup isn't prepped for any runs. Vin
  7. Now that I've installed this, I can't change my affinity settings in windows now. I could before with the first wrapper. Vin EDIT: Because I can't update the affinity setting I lose almost 80K on the bench... It gives me an access denied when I try. was this on purpose?
  8. When clicking Save-Result, if the user didn't click the create Screenshot button, can you put up an error message? Without clicking that create screenshot button, and then saving the result gave me an error on the submission file upload.
  9. This is a funny thread... Vin
  10. looks like a nice space. Vin
  11. We also have the lag when browsing our members section of our team; http://www.hwbot.org/team/411_overkill/ I have also used IE9, IE8, FF, Chrome and it was the same on all of them.. You guys have done a great job with the changes thus far, I really like the new layout. Vin
  12. to have the complete button back would be nice. Vin
  13. I've only used it to fill some of my gaps in benches, didn't really like running it, I like the HD bench idea, but it needs sub categories. Vin
  14. sorry if this was requested already, but would it be possible to have a button in either "my account settings" or "My Profile" to be able to re-calculate all scores? Vin
  15. I have the same issue in Chrome v12.0.742.122 Vin
  16. This would be amazing after a weekend bench session... I can't code worth a damn anymore, so unfortunately I can't help but I love the idea. Vin
  17. our team has this same issue. http://www.hwbot.org/team/411_overkill/ Vin
  18. I haven't seen a rely to this yet... and the recent benching I did got me 18 points but I have not seen them get added to my total yet. Vin
  19. In the recent submissions section under "My Team" can we have a date range to choose from? Like 1 week, 1 Month, 3 months... etc..? because before what I would do was to update the HTML in the link bar to get the range that I wanted... but now I can't do that. How do I see all my teams submissions for the Month of May? Vin
  20. Sorry, this is what I meant My Profile; http://www.hwbot.org/user/vinster/ Team Profile; http://www.hwbot.org/team/411_overkill/ and the point in my sig are also different... so which of the 3 are right? Vin
  21. and looking at my teams member list, the points are not coming up properly. in my team page I have over 100pts but in my profile page I only have 60+. why aren't they the same? Vin
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