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Everything posted by poparamiro

  1. With zip ties, pressure is ok and no risc damaging the die or pcb/bga contacts http://lab501.ro/placi-video/gigabyte-soc-series-overclocking-pe-aer-la-superlativ
  2. @ Massman - thanks, but always can be done better, i was not satisfied with the result and frequency @ Snormossel - ambient was 3c, TRUE + 6000rpm can keep the gpu cool
  3. Thanks Just testing, when i will have more time i'll go some low ambient and right os/driver
  4. Happy New Year!!!!
  5. 9500gt 173.67 inf for 3dm2001 Tested ok
  6. Merry Christmas!!! and all the best.
  7. Added 9600GSO 173.67 inf for 3DM2001, tested ok.
  8. Please add GeForce G100 VGA
  9. 3DMark 2001 Nature was great, Mother Nature was (and still is) awesome, i think all enthusiasts will be more than happy with new nature with all that shader power of today vga's. Anyway, new 3DMark is very good news. All the best.
  10. Thx, ambient ~ 3c and i think gpu ~ 25c max
  11. WTF ===)))) Validations from TiN, Andre
  12. Frumos de tot, sa vina coolerul pt vga si atunci sa vezi
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