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Everything posted by Casanova

  1. Just an idea that some might already have considered. There is so much knowledge and history about overclock that it could be compiled in a great book, with photos, curiosities, interviews, documents, testimony and many other things. Pretty sure many will buy it and, afaik, the first book only about it. It could cover since 286 crystal change era until nowadays.
  2. Nice work on this Roman, wish all the best for you and all Hwbot staff.
  3. I don't know if this notable list is a Hwbot past members only but, if it is allowed, i would like to suggest a few more. It is not because they were not members here that their nicknames cannot belong to a oc notables list, overclock is much more than hwbot era only... Suzuike Kazuhisa, nickname "KAZ", Born in Osaka in 1957, known for many experimental extreme overclock and hardware mods since 1995, he published a book in 1998 about hardware modifications for overclock and was a hardware reviewer for a japanese website, lost his track in 2003 (from my digging extreme overclock researches couple years ago). One article from him, published in 2001: https://translate.google.com.br/translate?hl=pt-BR&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fascii.jp%2Felem%2F000%2F000%2F325%2F325439%2F His webpage: http://kazuhisa-suzuike.my.coocan.jp/
  4. wrong post, sorry.
  5. Imo, yes, afaik a lifetime ban here at Hwbot means that someone cheated more than once, and like Aleslammer mentioned, the only place where a lifetime cheater name should be is in a cheater's list.
  6. Long time since last post, but i found some material that i collected back when i was digging for ln2 overclock history. I think it is interesting to post some more info here, despite not being ln2 overclock it has dry ice, ancient pots and other extreme methods from the 90's era. Take your time and enjoy https://www.fnf.jp/pc.htm (from 1996, extreme overclock using carbon dioxide and custom cpu block) http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-Bay/1214/omasu/omasu.html (extreme overclock session using custom pots and dry ice) https://www.fnf.jp/celeron3.htm (this one is ln2 overclock) https://www.fnf.jp/pcs.htm (from 1997, ancient custom water cooling system, chilled with peltier) https://www.fnf.jp/ln2_1.htm (from 1998, led experiment using ln2)
  7. Mandou bem Burti, parabéns :) Minha 2060 vai chegar em breve, diversão garantida nos benchmarks, parece que roda muito forte.
  8. Arregaçou! Continua dando show e aula pra galera que curte over, parabéns :)
  9. Great score man, congrats! Just a question, are you this guy? https://community.hwbot.org/topic/161125-first-ln2-overclock-session-in-history/?do=findComment&comment=470412
  10. I have some good favorites links saved here from my researches couple years ago. This is Kingpin first Ln2 overclock session, 05/16/2005: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?62691-Dothan-chilly1container-ln2&highlight= His final phrase from the thread: "I'm so hooked on ln2." 14 years later and he is still hooked to it ?
  11. Nice thread, congrats however the list is based almost only on hwbot overclockers... You can take a look at this thread, there are many unknown top overclockers from 90's era (most of then are from japan) that deserve to be on a list: https://community.hwbot.org/topic/161125-first-ln2-overclock-session-in-history/ I have a lot of old school overclock material here with me, that i collected from my researches and didn't published because it is not extreme oc related, if you wish i can share it. Imo it is very important to collect and preserve overclock history, i wish i had free time to keep digging about it...
  12. This is awesome, didn't even knew this was possible ? Congrats pal, well done.
  13. Another wr shattered, keep it up with the good work.
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