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Bones last won the day on May 2 2023

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About Bones

  • Birthday 10/24/1966


  • Location
    Wetumpka AL

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  1. Freak chip getting it's freak ON. Great job getting it done!
  2. Well done Unity! Congrats on the platform record, just shows FX always seems to give a little more if you really work with it.
  3. Use CPU-Z 2.00 and it will work correctly.
  4. I knew you were joking so it's all good.
  5. Seriously - I just saw the opportunity to run it for some testing since it's a new (To me) chip and did just that with it. 25 days left for the comp as of this post..... We haven't seen much yet. My time is limited for what I can do because of family matters that takes priority - Those are more important and will be met, so I'll be lucky to get any real time to work on results for this one. Might have to do what I can (If I have time) and either drop those in or just sit back and watch the expected carnage to come....
  6. It's always good to see another join the 8GHz club. Believe it when I say I'll be watching...... 😉 Seriously, I think you'll come to love this platform before you're done.
  7. Thank you for the explanation - That does clear alot of it up, hopefully for everyone.
  8. Incorrect - San Diego's were also E6 chips towards the end and they never made a single core "Toledo" chip because the name was only used for X2 chips. I don't know why the bot decided all of these were to be called Toledo's or why CPU-Z itself is calling them a Toledo but you can refer to CPU World and look up a 4000+ LCBBE stepping chip to see for yourself. Here's one example except this one is an LCB9E stepping chip: https://hwbot.org/submission/2653517_bones_cpu_frequency_athlon_64_4000_(san_diego)_3469.01_mhz BTW CPU-Z can tell the difference between a single cored and dual cored chip - Look at the AMD 64 logo at the top right of the CPU tab. It's orange and black meaning it's a single cored chip, if it were Green and black instead then it would be an X2 chip like this one: https://hwbot.org/submission/2348484_bones_superpi___1m_athlon_64_x2_4200_(toledo)_27sec_610ms
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