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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. It's relevant for fx because we're making categories for cpus with different core strengths in different core configs. if fx shares part of its instruction pipeline between two cores, not just cache, then creating a one core per module category is no different from creating a 12900k category for disabling all the "shit cores" (they're Skylake speed, stop acting like they're super slow guys). I still think that just adding up all the cores is the best, if Intel says it's 16 core then it's 16 core. This approach was used when people wanted fx to be 4 core with ht historically, the decision was if amd says its 8 cores then it's 8 cores. Of course historical decisions don't have to be future decisions as undeniably some historical decisions are probably not the way to move forward.
  2. Ht would become a huge handicap until you get above the non-ht thread counts. So currently 8 thread. Throw away 7700k, throw away 5300g,7350k is useless. It's time for 7640x, 9700k, and all that other shit nobody has spent as much time benching hard. Not sure this is good or bad, but that's mainly how it would shake up rankings. Oh and g470 would become even more irrelevant lmao. At least 1, 3, 5 cores wouldn't really change in the slightest
  3. Getting people to follow rules is hard enough, now add them to have to disable cores for a ranking? Not possible, will just make a big mess
  4. Let's remember that the little cores are supposed to be roughly as fast as Skylake so not exactly completely weak cores. It should be total number of cores, if Intel OR amd choose to make half their cores suck then it just will do worse in its core rankings. No need to make hwbot any more complicated, count all the cores and that's the ranking the cpu goes in.
  5. Must be all retail components, no es boards, mem, cpu, bios
  6. We may see quad apu again, although Allen says that in lab is getting fullpot cezanne on aqua so maybe we don't need to wait long. Just need bios update or to learn the magic volts
  7. Not great but atleast better, think I got everything for rules
  8. Yes, but say ycruncher stage. It's in the memory comps but it's considered a cpu bench in dB. So I bench with a friend and we run different cpus but same memory kit is that allowed? Same for am2+ 32m? Since they still require spd tab in sub
  9. What about for the other stages where cpu is the main active component in dB?
  10. Pyprime is a memory bench on hwbot so I think can share cpu, but for example ddr4 ycruncher stage is a cpu bench on hwbot so you could use all one mem kit even if it's in the "memory benches" comp
  11. Rules are always can't share the component for the bench category, thank God we don't have ssd bench in this comp... I'm assuming it's not just physically different sticks but also needs to be different model? So like Gt and Gtx is fine but not two Dom Gt?
  12. Saw the new restriction of 2p max, it solves everything. We get to see cool 2p oc but don't have to worry about data center server.
  13. Let's hope, old edge case hw is way harder to get than new
  14. W8 multisocket 940 is allowed wat, Opteron allowdd then?
  15. Just needs to be a different model of whatever the main component is, cpu for 2d, gpu for 3d. And each sub needs to be from a different team mate. All other components can be shared. For example you can share gpu and storage for PCMark as long as cpus are different
  16. Both Iris XE 80 and 96 eu are currently listed as pcie 4.0 even though they're on the same die as their cpu and connected with ringbus not pcie. They should be moved to integrated because that's what they are, not sure if gpuz is misreading or not. If it's to keep them out of comps I would recommend just banning all mobile cpus as you have things like 6770hq that are faster than ln2 10900k and it would prevent having to find rare hardware for comps/buying every nuc intel ever releases.
  17. I think at this point we can even allow 8 cores.
  18. Not sure why gpu-z is wrong, that cpu is supposed to have 80eu. But also score is extraordinarily low.
  19. Noticed we have 3dmark wildlife but not wildlife extreme, do we want to add it? I know we generally have all 3dmarks it seems
  20. Is this supposed to be 3 subs to make you use all 3 families or just pick two? https://hwbot.org/competition/HWBOT TEAM CUP 2021 - NVIDIA GPU/stage/5299_3dmark_-_night_raid_(gpu_family)_-_ddr3
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