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Posts posted by yosarianilives

  1. 2 hours ago, jab383 said:

    The crash on save in 3.2 happens when hwinfo has not been initialized.  It needs to be initialized just once each time a GPUPI window is opened.  After that once, hwinfo can be turned off for slightly faster runs.

    That score difference with high thread count could be fun to try to figure out.

    If I run anything but hwinfo disabled it crashes before run. Similar to how benchmate crashes on hwinfo initialization during open. I think the problem is with hwinfo initialization in the two apps and I'm not sure why, hwinfo opens fine and I even tried dropping the dlls from working hwinfo into the folders and it didn't work

  2. Is there a hard limit to how many threads gpupi can scale to? I found on 7742 that it was way faster smt off than on, like 55s smt on, 33s smt off. 

    Also had crash on save in 3.2 vs 3.3 that was fine but I think that's a hwinfo thing cause benchmate crashes on hwinfo initialization despite hwinfo itself running fine. 

  3. I voted for FSE and server limitations but I'd like to change my vote to don't change the comp at all, it's been up for a week and people really should've gotten their complaints in during the month or so that this stage was planned for. It's kinda silly to change the stage when there's been plenty of time to dispute it and some people have already gotten scores in.

    As for server gpus, titan z was explicitly allowed before the comp with the comment "I have no problem with the big shot cards for Country Cup" which probably also extends to workstation cards. 

  4. 38 minutes ago, Leeghoofd said:

    no problem with Cache unlock, does the cpu name stay the same or changes too ?


    10 minutes ago, ObscureParadox said:

    CPU will probably change name to something weird because it;s the same process as unlocking cores. But proposal seems fair. Just thought I'd bring it up since I noticed it when looking through my tray of chips :)

    Seems to not change, at least on the chip I unlocked cache for during TC dogpile https://hwbot.org/submission/4246059_yosarianilives_3dmark11_physics_phenom_ii_x4_810_4916_points

  5. 6 minutes ago, TASOS said:

    Which exact vga's are capable of running , stage 14 ?

    I wanna see , if i have time for a fund-raise ?



    Anything that supports dx11 should be able to run the bench, titans have been explicitly confirmed and workstation cards haven't been shot down any of the times I asked so big bois like radeon pro duo fiji and vega should also be allowed if those are the cards you're looking to acquire ;) Other than that the cards 100% confirmed to be allowed that should also score well are 7990, titan z, 295x2, 690.

    Hope that kind of answers your question

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