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Posts posted by yosarianilives

  1. 10 minutes ago, ground1556 said:

    more like a vote for moving it around 2 weeks would be nice. 

    That is something that can be voted on, my basic poll started cause lots of people seemed unhappy with q4 in general and I can't vouch for holidays in other countries but in the US November and December are basically non holiday based vacation black zones for most people because of Thanksgiving and Christmas, which means typically no benchmeets even when there have been attempts to plan them. Plus people are almost always busy spending time with family even on the weekends so most people have little to no time to bench. Anyone that's still in school has finals during this time as well so even the younger people with less family tend to be swamped. The main problem is currently to move CC would almost certainly mean moving another comp as well, which personally wouldn't matter to me as I only care about team competitions, however I think that many people enjoy other comps like challenger, etc so would be good not to fuck them over.

  2. So just to put things into perspective it looks like far and away people want it to stay in q4 as out of the roughly 30 people to vote 15 voted for q4, however another way to look at that number is only half want it to stay in q4 and just as many people want it to be in not q4. If we look at the data for people that don't want it in q4 then it seems to be split between q1 2020 (turn around and have another CC right after CC2019 ends, LOL) or in Q3 (requires moving Team Cup 2020). If we take the mods out of the vote for q4 then it's actually a decent percentage more people who don't want it in q4 than who do.

  3. Real talk, can we put a ban on these types of posts? 100% of the time they're posted it becomes a toxic thread of name calling and I've yet to see one of these threads yield anything positive for the community. 

    And believe me I unfortunately know a thing or two about creating toxic threads with no positive biproduct to the forum. 

  4. Turns out elite league is not just for people with sponsored results, I've submitted sponsored scores and was told by mod staff not to move to elite. Elite is for people with close ties to industry, otherwise I'd be elite league already. Currently I just mark my subs on sponsored hardware as sponsored and I've been told that's all I should do. 

    If that's the case then benching clients hw is not a loophole to avoid elite, however those subs should be marked as sponsored which will not put you in elite league. Basically elite league is only for current gen es and if hardware makers are sending you hardware. 

  5. I think this is a common thread type, when people start hwbot they become discouraged because their ambient results can't compete with ln2. However the longer you sit at ambient you realize how stupid that ranking is as not everyone in it is really ambient so you switch over to the mindset that Mr Scott has here which is there should be sponsored rankings and not sponsored rankings as that's what really divides results at the top, not cooling. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Dead Things said:

    I saw. And it was... epyc. Badum tsh.

    It's not even as good as it could be. I had roughly 5 hours with that system, with more time I could've gotten a lot more done. It has semi decent mem tuning options and I was using 32gb ecc dimms in full population. Could've switched to 1dpc bdie with more time. With that many threads on avx it seems like it's basically a mem bench. I saw the 3175x score being made and from 3.6 to 3.8 ghz had zero difference because it was so mem limited.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Dead Things said:

    I understand it's not required by the rules. But the presence of German rig pics in every other stage makes it look suspicious. And I'm sure Germany would love to avoid any suspicion.

    Yeah, I'm just more salty about getting accused of cheating because I subbed a score on a 7742 for whycruncher, luckily I was able to get access to the lab again and provide the needed proof :P 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Dead Things said:

    I just wanted to pop in and make note of the fact that Germany doesn't have any rig pics for Stage 10. Meanwhile, they have rig pics for literally every other stage. Now I'm not accusing anyone of anything here, just wanted to suggest that Germany might want to upload a rig pic or two for Stage 10 to avoid any potential questions later. Cheers!

    Not required by rules, it's about as "shady" as me having access to an epyc system and being wrongly accused of not running the bench myself.

  9. 8 hours ago, Leeghoofd said:

    Like stated before the Bot cannot detect which score to use if one user subs multiple subs outscoring the other ones of his teammates on sort like platforms. 

    Dividing by mobo sockets has been broken for ages. So this stage requires some special attention by the mods, why did you think I added 1151 is the same as 1151v2? 

    Anyway all subs in this stage look good so far, so no problem. 

    Ah, didn't realize that the ranking was broken for correct detection, thought it was a misconfiguration. Sorry if I came across a bit brash before.

  10. 1 hour ago, Leeghoofd said:

    @yosarianilivesIf the software also has to correct the end users inability to do a proper submit we would have to wait for a higher level of AI to get it working.

    Just stop being such a loophole whore dude.. It is not because the software can't be 100% configured that you must 

    This has nothing to do with loopholes, the stage is misconfigured. It is dividing scores by cpu socket when it's supposed to be configured to divide scores by motherboard socket. As for the issue of 1366 where a score that doesn't count for the stage blocks another score, we solved it by manually deleting scores that don't count towards the total. 

  11. 5 hours ago, keeph8n said:

    I have recently gotten into doing R9 290/290X 3D benching and have run into a couple of issues.


    I have a couple of Sapphire Tri-X OC 290s that are able to run 1300/1600 on water, but AB/ABX/Trixx will not allow me to set higher than 1300 on the core. Memory can go up to 1645 iirc.


    After you set 1300 in trixx does the slider extend? In my experience that's how trixx was working on tahiti for me. ie; there's a max you can set but once you set it there's a higher max.

  12. 13 hours ago, Leeghoofd said:

    if Team USA wants to remove some scores plz have an internal discussion which ones as some people still have backups, The Bot can not decide which scores have to go, At the moment the code is still looking for the highest score per hardware and if user 1A does multiple subs on different platforms it will block lower scores from other users. Therefore some planning and internal communication is mandatory before submitting...

    It should only compare scores that are counting towards the comp no? So if there is currently no 1366 score counting towards the comp, then a 1366 score that doesn't count should block any scores.

    Also doesn't answer what's going on with 1151 as the z270 score should block a lower z170 score but it doesn't currently for our ranking. So we have 3x lga 1151 scores counting towards our total. I think the ranking may have entirely broken for this one.

    EDIT: Found what the problem is with the ranking. The "z170" score that's counting is actually a z97 score because the maximus VII extreme was mis-subbed as Maximus VIII extreme. However this exposes a flaw to the rankings, rankings are supposed to be done by Motherboard socket however they are apparently being done by CPU socket. This also means that LGA 771 can be done on a lga 775 board just fine according to the way the ranking is configured, despite the ranking supposedly being explicitly set up to prevent this.

  13. 22 minutes ago, MetalRacer said:

    Got a sub not registering for stage 5 for some reason?


    Gonna tack onto this, we currently have 3x lga 1151 scores which I know one of them will be pulled out because lga 1151 v1=v2 but needs to be done manually. However the z170 score coexisting with a z270 score makes me suspect the ranking is broken for that stage as they should both be the db as lga 1151 v1

  14. 1 hour ago, Leeghoofd said:

    It is all a matter of timing and proper planning...  I benched in the evenings... Each evening during 5 weeks. Anyhow where do you want to put team cup then or Gskill or Galax competitions? There will always be pros and cons for any proposed date

    I'm open to suggesting different times for all comps, I just figured we should see when the community would like comps. Personally I would like Country Cup to run during the July-August time frame but that's only because the US has a bench meet then. If we want to move it up and not have to move TC then would need to be earlier like somewhere in Apr-Jun.

    Honestly perhaps the comps should stay right where they are, it could be I'm the only one who wants to see it move but I'm fairly certain I see several people bitch about when the comp is after it's started the past few years which is counterproductive IMHO. If you want something changed about a comp don't wait until it's too late for change to ask for it.

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