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Posts posted by yosarianilives

  1. Lol you guys are agreeing with me, like I said it is the wrong way to approach but I don't think he did it for cheating, I still think there are much better ways to approach this. For example he should've made a thread, and since afaik he doesn't have the reputation for bitching that I do it may actually have been listened to. 

  2. 52 minutes ago, cbjaust said:

    @yosarianilives more like a massive back pedal followed by damage control. :|

    Eh I believe he did it because he was frustrated by it never properly being addressed. Doesn't mean it was the right way to go about it. Similar to how there is one bench I could probably take gfp in "undectibly" and get loads of pts without much effort and mods do nothing about it. Difference is delly didn't just accept nothing was gonna happen. Imho he was too drastic in forcing the hand of mods but I understand why. 

  3. 28 minutes ago, TerraRaptor said:

    The only thing to try is cold NB but it is really unsafe to mount SS on that tiny chip. 

    Indeed, that's how one of my ud4p died. But I should've known better than to gravity mount a pot when the hole spacing was wrong for my backplate, pot slid off the chip while it was running and I think the nb fried. 

  4. Idk, I feel like it would be about the same as if I posted a gfp in a certain bench I know the cheat for because it continues to have pts after tell mods that cheat is undectible. But I would be banned for that, which is also why I probably can never post even a legit gfp in that particular bench from now on. 

    BTW not saying that delly should be banned for this, I just think it's an extreme way to expose a problem. 

  5. 3 hours ago, TerraRaptor said:

    I went as high as 2.5v with cold d9gts and c5f - no effect on bclk

    Does it help from dropping channels or is that only ever a thing on unganged? I know when I didn't know about using ganged mode 2v vdimm and maxing vddr on my c5f gave me a few more bclk in dual channel. 

  6. 12 hours ago, cnzdrn said:

    The main problem you have is dram.

    For bclk with ud7 my best result is based on elpida hyper, high binned hyper, bbse is good and psc is the worst dram to use.

    Did you tried d9gt? It always seemed high vdimm helped either with bclk or keeping channels from dropping which is why hypers are better for me, but I haven't tried d9s which should have higher voltage 

  7. 5 hours ago, Mythical tech said:

    That will cause even more cheating than there currently is right now. I could sub my cascade as dice or SS and have it is the next room and then have another system "running" for video proof and it would be almost impossible to tell. Unless the mods are going to be flying out to watch every bench session having cooling categories based points is not a good idea. 

    This enthusiast league is a joke Imho because few bad apples spoil the batch. Before moving up to apprentice I considered trying to get 1st in enthusiast and scrapped that idea because somebody could just cheat their cooling and be impossible to prove. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. I think requiring extra stuff is stupid, personally I don't give a shit about my seasonal ranking so if I happen to sub outside of a comp I think I shouldn't be penalized for that. Obviously I assume if you use a 2020 comp background you won't need any other verification of year the bench was done

    • Confused 1
  9. 2 hours ago, avalanche said:

    Ha you are the extended punishment master for sure :P What about some fun 3D2001se. Individual tests on that one.

    LOL if I'm picking stages I'm gonna do benches I half a clue how to get a good score. Except speedsys, I have no idea how to do well but making everyone else suffer through dos benching would offset it. Legacy benches are 98% mystery to me. 

    Stages I think would actually be cool to see, gpu dog pile with dx9 bench cpu mem agnostic, max mem freq for ddr1, 2, 3, 4 to return, am2 anything reasonable, an am2+ specific stage

  10. 50 minutes ago, Mr.Scott said:

    You're out of your fucking mind.

    W9 is the most active benching TEAM in HWB. And has been for years.

    I worded it badly, I was referring to your teams no obligation to bench clause. IE for team cups nobody is "expected" or "pressured" to bench. Despite how you seem to think, I do have the utmost respect for warp9. It's a team full of excellent benchers and the fact that it even competes with a team as huge as ocn for most overall pts is insane. 

  11. 40 minutes ago, Mr.Scott said:


    In the last couple years that you tried to step into that leadership role, US participation has actually declined.

    People don't like you. You're abrasive and conniving.

    Sometimes the truth hurts.

    Amazing that you say I'm in any leadership role, truthfully the most I've done is ask people if they'd like to meet for a comp and create a discord/spreadsheet for them to organize themselves. I've done very little telling people what to do or any of the like. If I'm associated with being "the lead" of the team USA effort that's unfortunate cause it's very not true. I see you talking shit about my efforts and yet I've never seen you try to contribute anything to team USA's success. Perhaps you should try getting your friends on warp9 team USA to bench if you actually give a shit about your country winning. Don't think of it as "benching for me" as you paint it, cause it ain't that. 

  12. 36 minutes ago, Mr.Scott said:

    LOL. it's impossible to structure only LN2 benchers for team events.

    Shit like that is what puts off other potential members from even putting subs in. Nobody is going to waste their time if they know a half a dozen guys will just buy whatever hardware is needed and LN2 it all. People need to feel involved and appreciated, not kicked to the curb because they don't LN2

    You say that except teams with just as much separation, lower population to draw on, and generally less resources show up with all the best hw and do everything ln2. If you want to win you have to ln2 everything. 

    But even then I've never said that people can't bench on ambient or discouraged people from doing it, I try to organize ln2 meets so people who wouldn't normally have access to ln2 can try it out. Imho if you have access to ln2 no reason not to try it, enthusiast league is a cesspool. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, Mr.Scott said:


    It ain't a date issue, it's a  'who's doing the organizing'  issue. ;)

    If you can get people to bench plz do, but my understanding is you're in a team that's purposely not about getting people to bench.

    I can only DM people I know to get them to bench, the rest I have to hope threads here and trying to build a discord community work. To a certain extent it has but also I'm never going to be able to organize the people who don't like me. I work on my personality since I know I can be a bit abrassive but I honestly don't believe I'm changing for the better fast enough to be the one to get team USA to give a shit about CC, and I've yet to see anyone else willing to organize people to bench on ln2.

  14. 26 minutes ago, Leeghoofd said:

    Most members but seems not many want to defend the flag... you only need a max 5 sores and with hundreds of active benchers you guys could easily dominate Country Cup


    that was my point it's the most members but non show up because it's the worst time of the year for potential participation. The people who don't have family obligations are college students who have finals so basically anyone that could participate is busy with life. OC should be a hobby not your whole life/job.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Leeghoofd said:


    Honestly this ain't merely a Bot date issue but maybe more a regional attitude problem. Hopefully my post makes the blood boil and you guys will be back with a vengeance!

    Nuff said, Q4 it was and still is

    I can't agree more, that's been my main complaint is that I can't even begin to organize a meet, I've tried the past 3 years and every year it's too close to the holidays for anyone to consider it. Of course in order for US to do a meet it is also significantly more travel than in EU so you really can't just do a meet on a weekend when you already have time off, which is a problem in the US where vacation days are very limited at most companies. Are you gonna tell your wife "No honey I can't go see meemaw for christmas because I have to get fake internet points" surely if you do you're sleeping on the couch for a month minimum, so people choose family over OC. In EU no only do most countries mandate more than a few days of vacation AFAIK, you also only need to take a few hour train ride max to get anywhere. Even in AU where the distance is much greater, AFAIK they all have a reasonable amount of vacation days.

    Example: I'm lucky enough to have about 20 vacation days a year which is above average, but for example our contractor who handles phones gets 5 and that includes his sick days. The average being around 10 days.

  16. 21 minutes ago, Leeghoofd said:

    13 to 12 is still a win, did you also subtract the mod that didn't vote for Q4 ? Or do you need 75% of the votes to get a win... 15 or 13 peeps want it to stay in Q4 that's how I look at the vote with sheer peasant logic. Now if 12 voted for Q1 we could have changed, in this case Q2 and 3 are defenitily no go's


    20 minutes ago, ground1556 said:

    Because the mods aren't people? Its 13 people who would like CC in the first half of the year and 15 who want to keep it in the last quarter. 

    Didn't see any mods vote for not q4. Anyways the reason I think that just moving it a few weeks isn't sufficient is as I said, the whole month of November and December is a no go for most people in the US for any kind of event because it's already such a packed time of year. I can't speak for other countries as I know AU seems to be able to make the sacrifice for CC, presumably because their team members actually give a shit if they win and also because they live in a country that mandates significantly more vacation time be allowed. This seems to be confirmed by a large portion of the people who voted for q4 being from AU and the rest being from EU with 100% of the US/Canadian  vote going to times other than q4.

    Not saying that we should cater comps to the culture of one or two countries but it seems like we would get more participation running comps during parts of the year that aren't already crowded by non OC things. So we should try to find a time of year that isn't bad for the country that has the most members by almost 3 times the second most membered country.

  17. 37 minutes ago, Redwoodz said:

    You guys need to get these rules sorted. I'm about to flag about a 100 subs because Leeghoof decided to remove mine. Benchmate is not allowed, can't even manually run w/benchmate. It makes zero sense to bench in W7 anymore.

    If you've read the discussions on this forum you'd know that w10 isn't allowed because it can be timer skewed on non *lake cpus. Win7 can't be timer skewed the same way, although it's not even secure. Geekbench will likely lose all points soon as it's not a secure bench and the dev refuses to allow it to be secured thus no guarentee that any score is legit.

  18. 3 minutes ago, Leeghoofd said:

    My look at the poll, Country Cup remains unchanged it will be Q4 in 2020... Too bad maybe some  of them unhappy people didn't vote. Majority wins, this aint politics

    Anyway if we cut the challengers by one week we can move around a tiny bit to have it easily completed before Xmas


    How can you say majority vote? Its 13 to 12 against q4 if you don't count mods

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