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Posts posted by yosarianilives

  1. I think people are missing the point, for daily OC is pointless, cpus and cards come 95% of the way to max daily at ambient. Hell on newer ryzen cpus most people would actually see a decrease in gaming performance if they tried manually OC. Both NVidia and Radeon cards respond more to simply being cooled better than they do to attempts to OC.

    However that's not what this thread is about nor is this site really about that, this site is about pushing to the absolute max, where the stability test is can it just pass this bench who gives a toss about 24/7 stability. I think there are plenty of people who want to do that to some degree, many come in by seeing how their daily OC compares, but honestly they catch the bug and try to push to the absolute max or else they lose interest. If we want to preserve or expand the hobby then we need to find a way to make it appeal to more newcomers, plain and simple.

    Also Chew I think you've been on the site enough to know to not mind ozzie, and I recommend the rest do the same ;) 

  2. 22 minutes ago, Digg_de said:

    ..until you reach the point and think "damn, i have to compete with all that Chiller/Singlestage/Cascade/Dice/LN2 Users". At this point most quit i guess.

    I mean all hobbies have a sink or swim point I think. A point where you have to decide if you're willing to go whole hog into a hobby and invest heavily or if you're happy where you're at/don't want to continue further.

    Most people get into OC with seeing how their daily compares to others, then they may decide there's a platform they enjoy playing with etc, after that is where they decide if they want to go XOC or not typically.

  3. In the case of iris pro I'd say we can call edram system memory as the cpu still has access to it and benefits it, whereas hades canyon the hbm stack is truly dedicated to the gpu. Also the iris pro gpu is on die with the cpu currently. A further conundrum there's plenty of motherboard igps of yester year where they had basically a dedicated Ddr3 chip on board right next to the chipset so they don't use system memory but they're definitely an igp. So I think the best way may be to loosely define an igp as graphics on a chip that has multiple purposes OR graphics that use system memory in the case of potential chiplet design apus. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Strunkenbold said:

    I'm honestly not really happy with that move. Depending on who you ask, the definition of IGPs are sometimes GPU integrated in the CPU die or / and CPU and GPU die on the same package. So the Polaris GPU is on the same package with the kaby lake CPU. They are connected via a pcie bus, but it shouldn't be too surprising that they don't use something super fancy given the fact that a Intel part talks to an AMD part. 

    Anyway I remember clarkdale having a GPU and CPU die. They were on the same package. Would anyone argue that it's not an IGP?  So I fail to see what makes the difference here. 

    Of course those parts are much faster than all before existing IGPs. But that can't be the criteria, right?

    If you agree, I would move them back to integrated and disallow the usage in this stage.


    Interconnect on Clarksdale is dmi (or whatever the equivalent was then) , on motherboards its FSb or htt. Interconnect on hades canyon is pcie, if you soldered a mobile 1070 instead of using an mxm you wouldn't call that integrated etc

  5. That's because basically all modern "PCI" cards are actually native PCI-e at the chip level, it then hits a bridge chip to bring it to PCI protocal. Which is part of why any non native pci board will score terribly as you essentially are converting from pcie to pci then back to pcie using 2 bridge chips. To the driver it would probably only see the pcie bus that the bridgechip provides as the bridge chip probably never talks to the driver.

  6. 7 hours ago, mllrkllr88 said:

    I wonder how many Google chrome tabs you can open with THAT much memory...so crazy.

    Yeah I just did a single socket full population with the mem sticks we had for it, didn't even realize how much mem it was until later. Really didn't seem to mind running 3200. If I have time the next time I'm in the lab want to try 1dpc bdie. The bios gives dividers all the way to 4200 although I don't know how many work.

  7. 1 hour ago, Strunkenbold said:

    Got a link to this discussion?

    It's distributed through the planning thread, I couldn't find anywhere where it was explicitly allowed on second look. I mentioned that it seemed allowed enough times without it being explicitly denied is the closest it seems. But most of the discussion is people yelling at me for suggesting that 5775c should be allowed because 6770hq and 4980hq is so my asking if mobile is allowed mightve been lost in that. 

  8. 16 hours ago, Mr.Scott said:

    It might also be a problem with Linus as you're technically using his name. IE: copyright infringement


    18 hours ago, ground1556 said:

    Isn’t a team named after a large youtube channel somewhat complicated if its not represented by at least one working for them?

    Linus himself has said he's fine with it but he doesn't care about xoc at all so doesn't want to do with it himself

  9. 3 hours ago, unityofsaints said:

    AMD CC superpi stage per socket so AM3+ result required. Yos uses his 8+ GHz valid 9590 to run off a 7.2ish GHz 32M run while he has a fever. It's singlechannel, and efficiency and CPU-Z show that but Yos insists it's dual channel because "he saw it in the BIOS" or something along those lines. This is in respose to @Bilko's 9590 8G 32M gold btw. 

    No it definitely ran single channel, but for some reason it saw all the ram which was put in the board in a dual channel configuration of slots. This is a semi common behavior for some fx chips under cold, which usually means your board needs to be cleaned better. That session ended up having lots of issues... 

  10. 2 hours ago, mickulty said:

    Remind me?  I just remember the athlon FX that was at legitimately high clocks on LN2, with DDR2-400 mem.

    Athlon FX? 6400+ :P

    I know what you meant tho

    As for fx 32m last year he's talking about how I made the mistake of saying I was gonna get an 8 Ghz 32m score then looked really silly when I didn't, not to mention it was single channel although that was a whole Nother issue 

  11. 2 hours ago, ground1556 said:

    Lets have a look at the last time there was a "GPU socket" categorie and look at #1 and #2...



    And, for better comparision, the full results.


    Looking at this even the PCI score could end up relevant this year... Back then if Germany would've had a higher score in PCI they would've beaten Australia in that stage... So shut up with "the old stuff is irrelevant". If we only focus on the 2080 Ti score, there is no way we are winning that stage even if we have fillers...

    I'd agree, but I'd also say while all scores are important you can't win that stage with weak pcie whereas you can have one other score be mediocre and maybe still win. So personally I won't try any harder than my current weak agp score if my team doesn't have a strong pcie score. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. Very interesting, can't wait to see the blackops for newer generations on ebay. The process of getting them as a smaller OEM than like HP and Dell is kinda funny actually. If you ask intel if they have any blackops style cpus for HFT the answer is no, but if you find out the codename of the chip that HP, Dell, etc uses and ask them for that specific chip codename then suddenly Intel will admit they exist and sell them to you.

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