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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. My best guess pre-comp was a p4 system at 6.9 ghz and scoring around 1k, but I now suspect that like winrar this will be a 100% memory bench so s939 will likely have an advantage over any s775 or s478.
  2. Well after reading again through this thread I've realized I might've been "a little" off the mark. Definitely very different than ddr2 on a logical side, which imho is what matters the most as logical standards can work on all kinds of physical standards. So now forgive me if I completely understand how this memory works but could you achieve higher clocks if you replaced the buffer with an fpga that can attain higher clocks? Seems like something we may one day see if it's possible.
  3. 100% mem bench, scored identically to p4 641 at same fsb on same setup
  4. So yet another copy paste stage from last year...
  5. The score is behaving as if it is a per core score not a total score.
  6. Is R20 supposed to be total score or divided by cores?
  7. i7 3770 page appears to be broken and also doesn't show up when you go to browse processor. When I go to link directly I get this error message
  8. That's like saying that we should give am2 it's own ddr2 ranking because it will always lose to s775. The max attainable speed and frequency has never entered into how categories are set. As for FPM and EDO they are seperate memory standards and shall be, not really a relevant comparison when comparing ddr2 ram with or without an extra on dimm controller.
  9. Post ecc dimm on non ecc memory controller then we can talk about how adding a buffer chip to a dimm makes it a new type of memory
  10. So we should have a separate category for sodimms, microdimm, minidimm? Also let's not forget soldered straight onto mobo or the billion and one different kinds of simms. Yeah that's basically a non argument considering that no other mem is divided by socket.
  11. And tbh it'd be silly for team cup as it would enable only about 6 chips that might have an advantage over s775 c2q in one bench, which if you know about the bench on this platform you know the memory layout precludes it actually being competitive
  12. I may've been reminded of it by looking at team up chips (although it's really not needed to win that stage at all) but I've thought it weird that two different ddr2s are separated for what at most amounts to a difference of ddr2 oc on p45 vs x48 but because the controller is on dimm instead of on mobo everyone acts like it's completely different.
  13. As far as I can tell FB-DIMMs are just a fancy ddr2 dimm essentially. The base memory technology is still ddr2. It's basically the same as having a seperate category for sodimms or ecc sticks. These categories should be merged for a more cohesive DB. I think they only reason they ever got seperated was someone with a skulltrail system wanted to feel special and different than people with "pleb" non buffered ddr2 oc server boards.
  14. I more want the limitations spelled out so I can be sure that there is no cpu or gpu limitation other than memory type.
  15. Still no limitations listed on the stages that have no specific hardware requirements, not even memory type is listed.
  16. Can't wait until we get background tomorrow
  17. Should be limited to 2p then, I don't think there's very many UP boards with fb-dimm. Plus you can't allow FB-DIMM and not allow skulltrail. Wonder who would win, 8 cores at high clocks or 12 cores at lower clocks.
  18. I'm going to submit score with this background and you're not allowed to take them down now then, it's the official background. Looks like I'll be doing more than pretesting this weekend ?
  19. Yes they're all mp boards, however ought to work in UP config. Nice thing is you still technically get quad channel memory even with single cpu, even if the fsb link to those channels isn't as wide as the memory bus itself, although I'm now realizing that all the boards use ddr2 fbdimms which for some reason doesn't count as ddr2 in the db.
  20. For ddr2 stages that don't specify a socket/cpu is dunnington allowed as long as it's in a UP config? Would be hilarious to show up to 3dmark cpu tests with a core 2 hex vs a thuban or core 2 quad
  21. For ddr2 ice storm are there any restrictions or is it all gpus all cpus just must use ddr2 memory?
  22. Looking to run some dual gpu this year but my only gpu pot is a fat, does anyone have some slims to borrow?
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