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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. Then make it 2-4-6-8 cores, I think it should be based around all am3 or all am4
  2. Can we drop 6 cores if it's 4 scores? And perhaps make it AM3 so then there's not so huge a gap from the 1 and 3 core scores to the 2 and 4 core scores? Otherwise the 1 and 3 core chips need only be present while the stage is decided by the 2 and 4 cores. It gets worse if we include 6 cores
  3. It's November and December, already confirmed in another thread
  4. Why include skylake if you're not gonna include broadwell, and will this be a 1 of each type of deal? May be best to add Kabylake and say a score with each cpu arch, Sandy-Ivy-Haswell-Skylake-kabylake. Would make it more interesting as otherwise sandy and ivy are basically useless as their IGP is that far behind even haswell that the lowest tier haswell igp beats the top tier ivy igp. Haswell also has a lot of rebadged igps meaning that even if skylake wasn't sufficient to get to 5 haswell would be.
  5. w8, why have a per core score for r11.5 if the core count is set?
  6. So I'm gonna try to host a weekend bench meet in November at my house for anyone in the Midwest as well as anyone else who wants to travel, although I'm expecting a max of like 5-10 people. If more people show up we'll make room. Is there a weekend in November that works best for ya'll? I'm thinking first or second weekend but am open to non Thanksgiving suggestions. Also it'll be byob but I'll probably have some stuff as well
  7. Also let's not forget a gpupi stage
  8. I like it, one 3d stage I saw in an old cc was 5 different gpu sockets, so pcie, pci, agp, igp, hybrid. Could be interesting, if we do that may want to put a limit on the max gpu for pcie so it isn't carried by 2080ti and the other scores just need exist.
  9. Then do it, sounds like you're choosing to hold yourself back and trying to drag others with you. If you don't want to go subzero then don't, but don't try to force others to stay behind with you.
  10. Looking to see if anyone has any hypers for sale. Also looking for a kit of TCCD and of BH-5 for ddr1
  11. Holy crap those timings! Did you try looser to see if score improves that tight? I've too tight cause instability that costs score.
  12. Just to confirm no cooling limitations on the cpu and mem correct? Only cooling limitations on gpu
  13. Talk to an hvac tech, if they say they can't figure it out they're lying or don't know anything about hvac. I'd be surprised that nobody in all of Aus knows how to work on air conditioning units. Ss/cascade is just a miniature version.
  14. Just boring night shifts with nothing better to do at work Once I found good mem settings it went really fast, basically just see if the chip will do 4 ghz at 1.55v and 2.8 nb at 1.45v, maybe dial a little but mostly moving on. The only thing that slowed me down was trying to unlock cores and cache which was middling success.
  15. Come bench in the states, I'll lend you some ln2
  16. I enjoyed the dogpile stage, I don't know how much others would like to see it but I think a dogpile stage for country cup would be fun. Since CC tends to be memory type agnostic perhaps a gpu based dogpile with a dx9 bench like 3dm05? Other than that I think a 32m stage, a gpupi stage, an igp stage, and a mixed core count stage (ie; amd 1-2-3-4-5-6-8 core wprime) would be nice to see.
  17. Shame our team kinda took a nap this year, but then again there was a lot going on internally. I'm just glad that I managed to almost single-handedly hold the ddr2 dogpile, was a lot of work. Well done to everyone, saw some truly crazy scores and lots of hard work from everyone.
  18. Thanks! Is what happens when you spend way too much time and money decorating your cubicle
  19. Ihs is retail, so must be a qs chip, either way not comp legal
  20. Well guess I know what chip I'm gonna use to rebench r11.5
  21. Yes, clearly crashed in the last GT causing it to render a black screen. This is a common problem in 3dm03 for people that don't closely watch their entire bench session/question their unusually high scores.
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