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Everything posted by Maxi

  1. Did he save a result file hipro? If so, he should be able to submit now and be valid.
  2. Of course All benches re-run, he's gold again on all but '06
  3. Sorry guys, Ross didn't know mipmap wasn't allowed. He's going to re-run all these benches.
  4. You do realize SF3D is a HWBot mod right hipro? How's my PSU?
  5. Hmm, use a proxy?
  6. Did you read the topic?
  7. Party @ Rich's house!
  8. Maxi

    Job advert

    At least they're proactive
  9. Do you think this would be the same if all 2D benchmarks were multi-threaded, not just wPrime?
  10. bazx did you vote the way you intended? Let me know, I'll fix it if needed.
  11. Looks good!
  12. Guys Remember benching is about having fun, lets all try to remember that. If it's no fun anymore it might be good to step back for a minute and look things over.
  13. Hi Bill, Thanks for your post
  14. Hey hipro, Can you please check post #39 and clarify things? Thanks
  15. Thanks for that Monstru, I hope everyone takes the time to read your post.
  16. That is exactly what happens by default when joint/team bench session results are posted to a team account.
  17. Many people bench alone with LN2, including myself. Let me clarify, please read this from mtzki. http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=104 Joint bench session results should be posted to either a team account, or a single user account only.
  18. Sorry for my late reply... Hipro I have a question, is what Bill said here true? If so then these results are only valid when posted to a 'Team Account', that is an account you setup for all H.O.T. community bench sessions. It's pretty simple, when you bench alone the results are yours. When you bench with someone else the results go into the Team account. These rules are designed to make things fun for everyone and allow for the frequent community bench sessions without causing unfair advantage to all HWBot teams. Remember it's up to the users and teams to keep the competiton fair and fun If you have any questions please let me/any hwbot staff know. Thanks, maxi
  19. Great to see another high-octane overclocker returning to hwbot, welcome back k|ngp|n :woot::nana:
  20. It is, thats what you get when you google 'world flag'. What about this one? The real earth
  21. This ones a little clearer.
  22. Hows this?
  23. No need to apologize, thats part of the competiton here at hwbot. It will be interesting to see how far you can take it
  24. Coming along nicely I have a question for you Walt, some submissions to hwbot do not 'resolve' the processor correctly to hwbot database. What should we look at to correct this?
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