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Everything posted by Maxi

  1. Fixed, thanks for reporting.
  2. Is this what your looking for? http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=594883 You might have caught the bot just at the right time to miss it, let me know if there is something else
  3. Fixed, thanks for reporting.
  4. Hey Mass, if he benched on the ALU pot how much difference were the results/mhz ect vs. the Evo?
  5. 0 points for the verification, there's somethng wrong here
  6. Hi Jaan, Thats normal. The users with higher points in that processor category do not have any better results in 32M, you do. Remember the Global point award is only given once per category.\ Happy benching
  7. Whats macci up to these days? Did he try the new container out with LN2 yet?
  8. I'd say it was blocked because of the screenshot being incomplete, we don't even know the version of PCMark looking at that. If another screencap showing the entire PCMark window (preferably with the individual test details shown) is posted unblocking this score will be no problem.
  9. I fixed the CPU info for you. Even though you saw it in the drop list you didn't actually select it when you submitted those scores. You have to click the drop list item to pre-fill the form. The timing of the pics has no bearing on the scores, hwbot is on a schedule for point rankings, they are not given instantly.
  10. Fixed, thanks for reporting.
  11. Thanks for the info
  12. 573097 was run 1024 x 768 as he mentions in the description, it's now blocked. 573208 seems like SLI, it's also blocked pending further verification. massman got the last one, thanks for reporting
  13. LD makes some really really nice cooling.
  14. Hmm, are you sure You guys need to tell Sampsa to post his scores, he has a few published on the ORB.
  15. THL's 32M is really fantastic, I need to try that kind of setup on 680i and see what it can do. mtzki what kind of HD setup are you running in PCMark?
  16. dogiman, david, j.rhy@n's & mrbean corrected, XS needs to come back first for the others. xwoodoo I am not sure about, I need to look at his a little more before I can say for sure. Thanks for reporting Gorod
  17. Good point, I can't believe I missed one
  18. This looks fine to me.
  19. Is Sampsa on the team? You guys have some great talent!
  20. I can think of worse ways to spend the holiday, either way KP is relentless and easily one of the best ever. Congrats to him on the milestone.
  21. Need a little cleanup here, two Ram disks in the rankings. Just follow the lowest Mhz and you'll find them http://www.hwbot.org/hallOfFame.do?type=result&applicationId=9
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