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Everything posted by Johnd0e

  1. Awsome job man. Making me want to get a 6100 to play with haha.
  2. Congrats man, about time hahaha. Just messing great job.
  3. great job mllr!!!! welcome to the club. amazing job for such little time with ddr4 and one week with that board. congrats congrats congrats.
  4. heyy ummmm your score is somehow way off from what the screenshot shows. might want to fix that?
  5. Wow that is very impressive to say the least. Awsome job. Now everybody with mocf trying it is going to be scratching their heads.
  6. Amazing job man!!!! I know you worked hard at this. You deserve it.
  7. Congrats man!!!!! Awsome job forsure. Welcome to the world of ddr4!!!
  8. Thanks SI appreciate it!! And lol loud thanks man.
  9. Nothing in response to my last question? Are we not allowed to know the minimum order quantity?
  10. im 25. started overclocking at 24(around december 2015). got right into watercooling and will soon be moving into LN2 hopefully before 2017 hits. my first experiences were on 6700k and gtx 970's.
  11. the fact of the matter is, we cant be in novice the rest of our lives and it isn't against the rules to buy (in my case make) extreme cooling gear while in the novice league. i dont even have liquid nitrogen becuase places ive called want way to much money, so ive never even been cold yet. all my subs are on water cooling, and the clocks i run go hand in hand with that. thats all i have to say. edit: also thanks for looking out guys means alot.
  12. Awsome! I was hoping the mocf could do it to! Great job. You've opened the flood gates now.
  13. Amazing! Hahaha i always wondered if this was possible! Great job zero!
  14. im in for one if this happens. no warranty is fine by me. I agree with the DOA warranty though.
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