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Everything posted by MAXKING

  1. Felicidades ! ... Welcome to the 742 club
  2. Excelente Trabajo ! Sigue así lo vas a conseguir ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Told you ... u will get it eventually ! Congrats bro !
  4. Thanks bro ! Actually I only have two kits, both are 3200C14Q-32GTZ, each kit has 4 sticks.
  5. Dude, it took me a hole WEEK to get that lol !
  6. Hey bro, its a known issue ... they will be fixing it soon. Im also waiting for the fix. Any news @websmile ?
  7. U bet ! go big or go home I said to myself ... I'll get 742 or Ill quite OCing lol.
  8. Great ! gonna get one of those for sure !
  9. I've never used 3DMark Ice Storm, but the website says this: "Use 3DMark Ice Storm to compare basic tablets and smartphones. Ice Storm includes two Graphics tests to measure GPU performance and a Physics test to stress CPU performance. Ice Storm uses DirectX 11 feature level 9 on Windows. On Android and iOS, it uses OpenGL ES 2.0. You can compare scores across platforms" It's mainly for tablets and smartphones...
  10. Do you know when is going to be available ?
  11. Hello Gorgster The G SKILL F4-3200C14Q-32GTZ, are optimized for the Z170 chipset (from what Ive read from GSKILL website). checkout the site http://www.gskill.com/en/product/f4-3200c14q-32gtz I have them too, and been using them with my Z170 MB and great timings and results. But on X99 I can't say. My suggestion, take all the mem sticks, clear cmos, get the latest bios for the Godlike Carbon and try again. Do some research of the compatibility of the 3200c14 and X99 MB.
  12. @ADJ_ Check out this link, its very useful http://forum.kingpincooling.com/showthread.php?t=2977 ,but remember its at your own risk. Also, I recommend do some reading about flashing, the right commands in NVFLASH, how to make your own mod bios, etc. And the most important, before you flash ... is the knowledge on how to recover your card if it gets bricked. Always save your stock bios, using gpu-z good luck
  13. Hello Freedom, First of all, uninstall all drivers (amd or nvidia) from you CPU. Then download the latest Nvidia drivers. Demac is right, some benchmarks are heavier than others and might crash during the benchmark, just need to see your logs in GPU-Z and see why is it crashing. Also all GTX 960, can Overclock easy over 1500+ Mhz in core and 1900+ Mhz in Mem. My MSI GTX 960 GAMING with TDP@118%, TEMP@95, +180 CORE, +650 MEM was getting 1568 MHZ at boost, using MSI Afterburner. All cards are different some OC better than other ... but all GTX 960 can OC 1500+ from what I've seen .. Check out this review https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/MSI/GTX_960_Gaming/1.html Hope it helps
  14. I got mine like 3 weeks ago, it's pretty amazing the first two days, later it's kinda boring ...the lab is great, also portal stories. My wife loves tilt bursh. But for gaming, I don't know ... it's too much for me. Unless Half Life 3 for VR is released LOL !
  15. I can't imagine just to try the 743 ... if it's even possible. Total Nightmare If the 742 took me whole week ..of non sleeping ..plus going to work, and coming back thinking ... does my RTL is too tight, or should I tighten the tFaw ... once I got it ...even my wife was happy LMAO ! practically I didn't saw her for a week, living at the same house
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