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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. There are no problems to W8.1 to Ivy Bridge E. The following combinations of platforms have been tested Operating System Platform RTC Bias / Clock Drifting Windows 8.1 Haswell YES Windows 8 Haswell YES Windows 7 Haswell no Windows 8 Ivy Bridge YES Windows 8 Sandy Bridge YES Windows 8 Gulftown YES Windows 8 Wolfdale YES Windows 8 Trinity no Windows 8 Piledriver no
  2. Who told you that is mandatory to have the scan enable?.... new rules? Why don't you try to increase your score instead insist in report? I received 3 times your report to this score, and recommend you check thge rules before. Windows 8.1 is allowed to FSE.
  3. What about you insist in report Schenckel scores. I received in my e-mail. Windows 8.1 is allowed . Please check information before report.
  4. Desabilita o PhysX que é proibido. O resultado não é válido.
  5. This phrase: "the winner is the overclocker who has gathered the most points across the fifteen stages" Why don't let the overclockers win one stage and be the winner? Will be easier and more attractive. And mayb e you can do the same to the Pro League... Since I don't want to bench AMD or Mainstream.... and others want... why don't let people compete to separate stages and be the winner?... also is easier and more atractive... further.... more freedon to overclockers choose what they want. Just my 2 cents.
  6. Nice overclocking event... Looking forward and waiting for the Live Stream. All the best for you, lucky guys.
  7. I see it now... great man.... just a lit bit more.... go ahead and try to keep cpu alive
  8. Checking the best scores today, I noticed the focus of the league changed. Much more for 2D.... and looks for the most important benchmark is XTU.... the most rewarded and benched. That's different from my focus... regardless I like 2D benchmarks, I still consider 3D hardest and much more difficult, more technical, and according to my point of view, should be more valued. Anyway, it does not matter to me ..... because the importance I gave before to Worldwinde Overclocking League, was much higher than now. At the moment I bench only for me and for fun... , not caring about rankings and competitions. The overclocking for me now, is to try to beat records or get great scores in the benchs that I like ... as 3Dmark11, Vantage, Fire Strike, Unigine... and some old 3D benchs. Looks for 3D benchmarks today, is not too important than benchmarks like XTU, Cinebench, CPUZ and memory clock... Maybe is the reason I am no more active than before in the league and in the forum here... Best wishes for all
  9. I don't know why you have no reply my friend... Try to send private message. Thanks
  10. great score Vivi... Wanna sell the CPU? (lol)... Joking.... nailed 06
  11. Thanks HWBOT, MSI and all involved in this great event. That's amazing can meet the elite of overclocking... and I am happy to can be there. My personal view... is: 1st day I had no lucky... got a Samsung card worst than my old Elpida... maybe the worst VGA ... and a -120 CB crap 5700 Mhz CPU (Spi)... but regardless all... I was happy... Tolsty is really a great Overclocker and earned... Lucky Noob and Xtreme Addict also made a really good job... and surprised with the new guys (JJJC, Mike, FTW and so on)... This happens... even the overclocker is a "master top skill"... can have no lucky... this happens, for example to Cyclone, that is really good and were not in his lucky day... What I mean is that is not enough to be very good, but need to be in a lucky day... So... I only have to cheer to the champions and all. 2nd day I focused, since I leaved Brazil, Unigine Heaven, ... The reason is because I prefer 3D... and also see no options, since I have no a second Titan... and before changes, the World Record was overall... so I give up to try a GTX 780 beat Titans in 3DM11 and Fire Strike. My goal was to dispute with a master Sniper OZ... that sent a greatttt Vantage score few days ago... warming to MOA. The first minutes, my card could not work... Gnidaol saw me too nervous when I found a damage hardmodding, for a GPU voltage.... in the middle of many wires insulated... ATM I was lucky to found the problem and fix there... So... the day run smooth to me and I could bench for 8 hours without any issues. I feel happy to got my acomplishment... For the last, I want to tell that ALL the guys was there are really good... and we had very good fun for this days. One more time, MOA was unforgetable. Best wishes for all
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