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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. I know what you are talking about... last year, 2011, I losed a place to MOA finals at Vegas because only 12 points 3DMark11. So...I losed to go to finals...and got #4 place lol
  2. + 1 for Perica, Billy and others - well deserved place - I vote for more places to EMEA
  3. I only can give you guys...CONGRATZ... At least the top 10 EMEA well deserved to be in the finals... Great job guys...the hardest competition ever. @Slamms and @Xtreme Addict - I told you...that I believed you will be there... @ Poland - special overclocking country
  4. Lots of surprises...great work from the top EMEA guys.
  5. Vai dar a volta por cima e atropelar quem tiver na frente Abraxxxxxxx
  6. I can not be complaining... I losed 2 x MSI X79 GD 65 (works one day and after 20 LN2 lts...first session working all right...it died and no more bench) Losed one Z68 GD80 that's killed my 5970 Mhz 2600K (priceless). But still got a place to Taiwan...so was good to me. Even I losed PCparts... Good lucky for all... looking forward for the 5 finalists
  7. Great work...awesome efficiency and all ... mais at less than 5100 Mhz CPU
  8. Hi Hwbot team. Please check why our team losed about 1000 points in just one day. Looks something is wrong...lol
  9. Wow....huge wall to you... Looks for 3770K gave you lots of efficiency to GT amd crappy Physics...lol Strong score to 1650 and relaxed RAMs... was nice
  10. C'mon guys... Lets post results to MOA EMEA... I think the way to MSI keep the competition is to show there are "corum" and people working in that. Looking forward to monster scores...and sure....lots of lucky draws
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