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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. You ask my opinion about wprime???... Yea... only one best WPrime result...and only will add points the best score... But is just my opinion...I am not talking that I am sure and neither that is not fair.... But VGA earn points to 1, 2, 3 and 4 VGA "to me" is unfair... People can tell is few unfair...or lots of unfair...but unfair...(IMHO) Look at, for exemple a great overclocker results: I am not talking that Russians guys was not great overclocker....neither that they don't deserve to be overclocker kings.... but...I am trying to prove that the guy that bench only single card NEVER will be top 3 for sure... Or....need to be a Shamino, Andre and this guys that haves huge knowledge PLUS huge conditions.... I think we have to be free to post...then if you think diferent....is just disagree or agree. Thanks for read.
  2. Hahaha Honda...no way... 4 times more LN2 and 4 slim pots can kill my budget... I am not talking only about me... To me (IMHO), before when 3D benchs earn only 1 result, has more chance to all... Everybody haves 1 videocard...but very few haves 4... People here talking about 25 global points is like nothing...but you have to push hard to get 25 points more.... So...you plus 25 each benchmark...and bingo... you win... Let's compare results (you can do it)... Take the better OCCkers of the world... Compare their results... I do not need to tell the names... just look for the top dogs to find that almost never get monster scores like Nick or Andre... You will find top dogs that runs good scores, but not amazing scores...in the top of hill... That's a democratic house...so I feel free to tell that is impossible to be fair with all...but fell free to tell I think is more fair to give hwboints once per benchmark... Sure I will respect what more people agree...and I know I have people that folow and agree my POV and people that disagree.
  3. We are talking about 3D knopflerbruce... We have only 8 benchs 3D... 01, 03, 05, 06, Vantage, 3DM11, AM3 and Unigine... and we have no forget that 05, 06, 01 is lots of CPU bound... We are talking about effort...deserve...and to have conditions...and sure...to be most fair is possible... The guy that get good scores with 1, 2, 3 and 4 VGA just will earn his better score... and how fair is this guy that can have all his better scores with 3 or 4 benchs How fair is this against the guy that needs to push hard and need to know about 15 diferent benchs to reach the same.. I think if the guy earn points with 1, 2, 3, 4 vgas he was pushed by his conditions... Is only my way of view...and I would like to know what overclockers community thinks about it... I never saw once guy here benching 4 VGAs in the air... it can be common in USA, Europe, Taiwan, etc...but not in South America and Africa. Why is not fair to earn points only with one each benchmark?
  4. I would like to re open a discussion to, vote to. The reason is to try to turn more fair hwbot rules, and more than this, to rank the best overclokers that correct way. So, in my way of view, the best results and more effort to earn more points, and sure, let hwbot be more fair and competitive. I think each benchmark have to earn only once time the hwboints. My point of view is that is not fair to earn points with 1, 2, 3 and 4 VGAs... This make less fair and give more chances to the overclockers that haves more money or more conditions to compete. In my point of view, thats ok the guy earn points to 1 card...or 2 card....or 3 cards...or 4 cards...but if the guy earn points to 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 cards he will have many more chances even he needs to be less effort... The scenario today is to see guys with multi GPU HD 7970 earning lots of points and more points to run in low frequencys....and lots of guys working hard to push his only card with less hwboints. This is not only for me, that can not compete with 4 cards... but you can check that there are few people that compete multi 3 or 4 GPU, what give points regardless the results. HWbot gave an agreeded to give Global points to WR, exactly to fix the unfair competition (less points cause 4 way haves less competitors...so 4 cards add Global extra Points) My purpose is to check what oerclockers think about it. I vote to turn back last revision...when each guy can earn hwboints only each 3D benchmarks (for exemple...if the guy compete 1 card, 2 cards, 3 cards and 4 cards...he only will earn the result that gaves more hwboints), so Its only valid to personal points, 1 time to 01,03,05,06, Vantage, 11, AM3, Unigine. I know it needs a diferent work to run 1, 2, 3, and 4 VGAs, but if the guy earn his max points for only one of this way, he just received his prize. Further...to me...this will turn many more competitive the ranking (as all can comprove)... I have met with lots and lots of guys about it, and looks like I am not the only that think this way I hope you understand my bad english....sorry about it
  5. A parte de PLL e RAM é a mesma, mas o VGPU e OCP é diferente.... O OCP que o phil mandou... Abraxxxxx
  6. The another card (death) coud not run like this card... This card can not begin the bench more than 110... 115 to 130 is the range to pass. I am not sure that lower PLL can change ... but working fine at 1.12 for now. VGA can run 3d11 at 1650 mhz.
  7. 1.05 run all right... Only thing is that supports less cold... more PLL can give a lit bit more cold to VGA.
  8. No more than 1.15V pll is needed...and dangerous... I put 1.16 and VGA power off immediatly... lol .... not recommended... I kept 1.14 for security
  9. Por favor.... Pretendo ter sua ajuda pra crescer o overclock no Brasil...vc é um simbolo pra galera entusiasta...que é tem potencial imenso de fazer nossa comunidade ficar gigante... Abraxxxxxx P.S. 11 trimmers e 3 resistores retirados da placa...essa deu trabalho...rsrsrs
  10. GPU idle at ~1.55V ... benching -115 to -130 (no more than 130)... At full voltage decrease a lit bit...
  11. Muito bom Denis... Mandando resultado digno de refrigeração extrema... Abraxxxxx... P.S. até hj preciso mandar aquela matéria no Olhar Digital...depois da Campus...semana que vem...fechamos isso
  12. 1.43v GPU .... so card surpass -120C and immediatly power off..... card is death. ;(
  13. thanks all friends... Go to PCI E gen2 make me bench colder.... Best regards
  14. Thanks for the tip Phil... Coldbug still not good, but -120C is very very best than -49C .... lol Keep pushing
  15. Still waiting a Hd7970....and still waiting a CB solution... I am almost sure the resistor thats is needed to remove to GPU mod means to kill this issues, but no videocard in my hands..no way to comprove
  16. Oh guys.... I can not understand how somebody can like a bench that you don not need to overclock hard to brake the scores... To me.... PCmark is useless...but is only a personal opinion... Once lots of guys like... keep the bench
  17. Oh man.... Happy to be the firts to give you congratz to this amazing work...and hold the top #1 again... Keep pushing
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