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Everything posted by Kashtan

  1. Kashtan

    Z97 OC Formula

    Look at Z97 OC Formula.
  2. Kashtan

    5775C binned

    Also i see on binning 4980HQ and 5950HQ.
  3. Planning easy, 12/7, overclocking, not benching, with good air cooling. Money no object (almost). Any version - PSC, Samsung, MFR. Open for any offers.
  4. H2O vs Ln2 is a banned? I want to clarify - I am not familiar with this person, and have never dealt with him, but for many years his results have attracted my attention. What is it for?
  5. Kashtan

    5775C binned

    4600 MHz or higher on ambient. Good example. https://hwbot.org/submission/2923779_chi_kui_lam_gpupi_for_cpu___100m_core_i7_5775c_17sec_620ms I look to all offers.
  6. Kashtan


    This is the best 18-core I have ever seen, specially for ambient, I am surprised why it has not yet been sold, up for good man.
  7. https://www.evga.com/products/product.aspx?pn=131-CL-E499-KR 550 USD Evga Z490 Dark - versus 400USD for Apex XII. Dark is better? With ship to Europe and fees - easy to 650USD can up his cost. Apex right now on local markets and much cheaper without trouble.
  8. Even from phase change - only one result higher - 2641! Terrible!
  9. Congrats! Even on phasechange - only one result higher - little bit less! 28.28 points - versus yours 28.14! Incredible!
  10. Congrats! First come - first take.
  11. Just beatiful! Practical question: holes near the socket, are they identical in size to those in Apex XI? I mean, from Apex XI, I still have the 9th Gen Direct to Die frame from rockitcool. Do I need to buy a separate frame for comets? I already have two in the collection, from Kaby and CFL-R.
  12. I think, OC Formula and SOC Force LN2 without hope sunk into oblivion. Sad. Even Apex first and next - have got E-ATX, now is minor ATX size. EVGA DARK LGA3647 never saw the general public. So, we will work with what will happen.
  13. I absolutely agree with you. We all remember how Apex and Dark walked close unison, although Dark was inferior in terms of these stated parameters. This talk is off topic, but the successful follower lucky memory MB - was the MSI MPG Z390I GAMING EDGE AC.
  14. This is best motherboards i think. 1. Asus Apex XII (16 phases 70A, 2-slotes RAM, DDR4 5000) 2. Evga Z490 Dark (18 phases 90A, 2-slotes RAM, DDR4 4600+) 3. MSI Z490 Godlike (16 phases 90A, 4-slotes RAM, DDR4 5000) 4. Asrock Aqua (16 phases 90A, 4-slotes RAM, DDR4 4700+) 5. Gigabyte Z490 Xtreme (16 phases 90A, 4-slotes RAM, DDR4 5000) Your opinion?
  15. Kashtan

    9900K or 9900KS

  16. Best result absolutely from stock, air, water, ALO and even chiller of all 8-cores! WOW!
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