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Everything posted by Nicklas0912

  1. Nice score! have same setup. Does it really need 1.43 volt to reach that clockspeed?
  2. Nice score! have same setup. Does it really need 1.43 volt to reach that clockspeed?
  3. I think I have one of the buggede profils then Since it suck on 582 no matter what I do... Is there a way to force it to update? I see you disable the funktion to update ..
  4. Uploaded the one that did not hide it, thanks for info lol, we was going for like 15 hours +.
  5. Thanks for info, im just wating for zzolio getting home so I can get a other picture as well as other scores Do you know why my Career Ranking points did not get updated after I upload so many new and good scores? Thanks
  6. really nice cpu score. can you post a screenshot with CPU-z? would like to see what your IF is running.
  7. Really nice CPU score! are you running 4.4Ghz all core or some CCX at 4.5/4.6? Did you do any software tweak for ryzen to get this kind of score?
  8. Hello mate, great score!! One top, disable HT on this test, and you will see a higher cpu score ! :)
  9. Nice score! is that card power modded or something!?
  10. Hello. I found 2 Scores on 3dmark database, wich is not on Hwbot. The GPU scores sound really high to be right. GTX 960 https://www.3dmark.com/fs/14768765 20 702 GPU score GTX 960 https://www.3dmark.com/fs/12189146 13502 GPU score. Higheste on HWbot is 11084 GPU score With LN2.
  11. hey mate, is your GPU power moddet? and if you fix your CPU score, you should could get like 11700+
  12. Im gonna try to beat this today, should be doable, but we see. im the limit of my current cooling. and did not Powermod my Titan yet.
  13. That was the first one I ever did I think with my 7960x,if we dont count that on stock clocks. , I think it was without any Cache oc so stock on 2.4Ghz and no Ram overclock too. The one I did on 4750Mhz was a little werid, one gave me low combind score, and then after a little low CPU score. https://www.3dmark.com/fs/14519747 400 points more on Combind from 4750Mhz to 4800Mhz.
  14. Hello. Can I get my name change From Nicklas0912 to NicklasAPJ ? Thanks alot
  15. Dat is pretty sick CPU score for a Ryzen Chip! keep the good job on !
  16. Can it do more on memory from the Picture? what is max clocks?
  17. Ye, ofc Just no one doing Titan, even then they are so strong in firestrike:P so is only old drivers atm.
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