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Everything posted by AndreYang

  1. Did you remember so many people piss 975 ES off before until someone show us godly retail 975? Then everyone just shut up after that. Why not you guys just wait some nice batch retail are coming out? I believe they will come as soon as possible. Hiwa and gio already showed me close 6G vantage retail 980X. It really wastes time to discuss this here.
  2. No, because I don't want to spend stupid money to hand pick retail again. If I did it again, you guys are gone again. Right? I just feel very unfair what you guys don't do the same thing before, but do it right now because you guys cannot match these es cpus score.
  3. I totally understood what you mean, BZ. I just want to point a lot of people paid a lot of money for nice hw to get top results. They don't really care the hw are es or retail. You know how much I spend for retail to beat these ES. Why should I change my mind now? Because no one cares about that and no one wants to help me to piss es off before. OK, I gave up retail and start to bench ES because you guys don't care about anything before. Why did you guys complain about es now? Is it fair for me before? Andre
  4. No, I paid a lot of money for these es cpus.
  5. illegal hardware???? Prove it. If you cannot prove they are illegal hardware, that's also your problem.
  6. why not? I also paid money for these cpus. If you don't want to buy them from ebay, that's your problem.
  7. damn...your RE NB is so better. NB on air for fsb 660 is just sick.
  8. I am not saying any bad words for you. I have the same problem before. Hwbot remove the points with one sec and you guys can hold all points until some complaining. Rule is "unrelease hardware" whcih include NDA, non-retail etc....All hwbot crew should know it more than me. This mobo is still non-retail. It 100% should NOT get any points before you submit it. Please tell me why you dont know this rule as you are a hwbot crew.
  9. That's totally BS. I am not talking about NDA. I got this mobo for 2 months. Hwbot keeps telling me R3E with no points until Retail is coming out. I dont think you dont know the rule when massman post it before. http://hwbot.org/article/news/unreleased_technology_not_applicable_for_hwboints
  10. what the hell massman told me R3E could not get any points until retail was coming out. Why did you guys get points with this mobo now? Oh..Well.. stummerwinter is a hwbot crew. He doesnt know this rule? I dont believe it.
  11. ATI GPU is very strange. If your gpu is getting hoter and hoter, the bug run score will happen sometimes. It can be repeatable for sure.
  12. your 5970 is very hot. Right?
  13. none.......... 1.3G gpu should not have any problem with 1.49V, so many guys done it already.
  14. Are you sure 5870 has OCP? I can turn voltage to 1.5V without any problem. I think you mean software voltage problem. VR mod vgpu doesn't have any problem.
  15. what's NDA? lol I never sign any shi(t) NDA from Intel. New tech hardware doesn't have any point for hwbot. What's your point here? So many guys show off WR with unrelease hardware and submit it before. Did you say something about them before? Some guys submit Mars score before they are available. Did you post something about them? I don't mind if hwbot wants to remove new tech score. It's not really a big deal for me.
  16. I disagree with one point. Some guys receive mobos and gtx285s, not only me. Please check evga fourms. There are some pcs there. I can also show you full of retail boxes if you want. I help my Taiwanese friend order this mobo. My ES is from Taiwan EVGA. Why should I show you tracking number from EVGA USA?
  17. http://www.futuremark.com/benchmarks/updates0609/
  18. unknow cpu I had before. You just need new 3D03 patch.
  19. You oc for your business, but I oc for funny. You never know how much I spend on cpu and hardware per year. I spend a lot of money for what? Yes, for some best cpus and funny. I don't accept some guys just say it's unfair or cheat. It's my money. so what? What's the point I cannot sell good cpu to my Taiwan friend to beat some guys. And you? You just pm to every overclocker when they breask your records. What's your point for pms? only want to show up no one can beat you?
  20. where is hipro5? Again? After pssing someone off , he will be left quickly.
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