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Posts posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. 40 minutes ago, marco.is.not.80 said:

    Man, I tried just the other day with Windows 7 and GPUPI simply wouldn't allow it. What am I doing wrong?

    I find gpupi a pain to get working compared to a lot of benchmarks, did you try different versions, what was actually going wrong?

  2. 1 hour ago, KaRtA said:

    I didn't read anything in here, so my un-biased opinion.

    I think Comp points should only relate to say the "Challenger Series" in one year. Past that, rolls to the next year.

    There should be no link from year to year, and then it can be used as a ranking for the year only. Time passes, people stop benching, they are not relevant anymore in that year. This will help distinguish the current and retired benchers.

    Don't get me wrong, I am all for an inflated boost to my ranking cause I enjoy the competitions, but fell any competition should be separated from the main database rankings, otherwise we are just going back to Rev7 and it's complexities from having too many "rank" classifications.

    This or if competitions included in career then comps should retain points, since career is basically a 'best of' ranking.

  3. 34 minutes ago, _mat_ said:

    Can't see anything wrong with it as well. If you find a way to cheat, publish a score and disclose the details in the thread. Mods will have to pick it up from there to make it work, no other way around it. Forcing the bot's hand, so to speak.

    Publicly revealing a cheat without a solution doesn't really help things in my opinion, unless your aim is to simply have the benchmark removed.

    In which case if the people cheating are the 0.0001% I think it's a bad idea, if the number is far higher then it's more reasonable.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 3
  4. 3 minutes ago, TaPaKaH said:

    I am still binning and benching, as active as ever. Just not for hwbot :)

    Do you collate scores anywhere public or purely personal?


    Also @K404 should be noted for his bit score drops where he'd submit a bunch of scores done over a period of months in one go ?

  5. It was my mistake, I read the rules for the benchmark, didn't see AA explicitly allowed and so suggested it wasn't, as I'm not a big 3d bencher (for modern 3d at least).

    I'll make a note to change the rules page to avoid situations like this in the future. If the score hasn't gone already I'll be removing slinky's score with the timer issue.


    • Like 1
  6. Would also quickly like to touch on that, I've been a member for almost 10 years, but haven't done that many comps because I didn't have suitable hw, but they've never counted for what I considered the main ranking (league) and so I wasn't that fussed. Having a small number of then count in career isn't taking away anything, as previously they all ran out in 12 months anyway.

  7. Hwbot has always (as far as I'm aware) put a limit on the number of submissions that count towards your 'total', and removing that completely puts quantity over quality I feel.

    I feel career is still a valid term to use as it indicates the difference compared to seasonal, but still following the same idea of only the top x results count towards the total. But feel free to suggest an alternative.


    As a side note, comp points without losing them over time just unfairly helps those who have already done lots of comps, with things like novice nimbles and rookie rumbles happening very regularly as far as I'm aware with neither newer or older members being able to take part in those.

    But keeping the 12 month limit on comp points kind of goes against the idea of career ranking, which to me implies a more constant ranking where you don't need to be active all the time to do well.

    • Like 2
  8. 5 minutes ago, nicegab said:
    I have a bug on my profile since the last rev.
    I would love to be n ° 1 of my team and french .... but it's not possible ?

    As mentioned already, at the moment the national and team ranks are based on your league.

    So it's saying you're the #1 ranked Enthusiast in France and in your team.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, Achill3uS said:

    since when superpi 1M, wprime and pifast lost the global points???

    1m and wprime 32m rev7, pifast rev8.

    There were threads about benchmarks gaining/losing points

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, alexmaj467 said:

    Sorry about my English .

    I found a bug in the scoring system. I did recalculation of the results GEEKBENCH3 - SINGLE CORE and noticed that if the gap from the first place and the last is more than 25% then this last result gives not 0.2 points but much more.

    look at the first and last result.










    maybe it's just the individual results, as there is where the right thinks.


    Clearly some kind of bug I'll try to look into it/get it looked into.

    24 minutes ago, unityofsaints said:

    Ok so competitions are dead, great. The opinions of multiple members asking for comp points to stay (with no one arguing the opposite) were really taken to heart then... meanwhile I'm first in Australia because I did some stuff in the last 27 days and the rest didn't - you couldn't make this garbage up ?

    You should be first in Seasonal ranking if that's the case, and currently national/team rankings are done also by league, but I think this may change as I don't feel it's very intuitive.

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