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Posts posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. For some reason, i cannot get gpupi running correctly on my setup. Fresh win 10 installation and 32b gpupi takes like 1 hour per loop.


    week ago i had fresh win 8 install and it worked just fine. May have to hook up my card to different mobo & cpu setup. and instal win7 & win8.


    We only have to run 1B for this :)

  2. Thanks. I used one of these pots at the Big Freeze event here in the UK and it had no problem with LN2 on a 4770K, although I only had to maintain around -125c due to coldbug. The person I bought it off that used it the most was happy with the pot with plenty of different CPUs so yours should be good for you on LN2 when/if you get around to that :)


    I think I had one of these at one point as well actually haha.


    Any armaflex/whatever it's called included?

  3. Gpu doesn't read the real volts, just what it thinks


    Oops :D




    From a quick manual check it's currently running at 1.28v so clearly the mod is working!



    Anyone have any luck with the stock cooler on the gigabyte board, swiftly realising it's fairly terrible :(


    Going to try and bodge my phase onto it next week since temperatures are definitely holding it back at the moment (only at 1.2v!)

  4. So a friend and I just tried the vcore mod on our first Giga card, and it looked like it was all good, however when we plugged the card in and tried changing the voltage nothing seemed to happen.


    We were using GPU-Z for the voltage measurement for ease as it was 0.01 out compared to the multimeter.


    Eventually whilst turning the pot the screen went crazy pink for a second then black, a PC restart and everything seemed fine again.


    Any ideas?

  5. Been running multiple OS's on HDD for years and if one went south it had no impact on the others.


    Yeah, they didn't cause problems to the others.


    Great thanks :)


    Side note - with XP there is a limit in a boot menu, it can display only 10 OS, even though you have more entries in boot.ini.


    Thanks for the info, should be a problem though as I only intend on having a 2-3 on a drive I think.

  6. Hi,

    As above, I'm wondering what the potential downsides of multiple OS installs on different partitions on a single drive are in comparison to having multiple drives?


    Since you don't need that much space for each OS when benching (as far as I'm aware)


    Splitting a 120gb SSD into a couple of partitions with different OS installs seems like a sensible idea?


    Any input would be appreciated.




  7. Planning on picking up a card this week maybe, haven't done any proper benching for quite a while and haven't touched a soldering iron to a gpu for even longer, looking forward to getting back into it all with this :D


    Was probably going to get a Gigabyte and EVGA card for me and a friend, anyone had any issues with either?

  8. 4,Ian isnt even 3rd in elite, let alone worldwide, I think most of us have seen his points deteriorating massively.


    He's 3rd on the UAT server using the new R7 which is what I believe Xtreme Addict was referring to.


    I have an extra 200+ points but haven't really changed places in any of the leagues (by 1 in OC and a bit more in Hardware Master).


    Not necessarily a problem just interesting.

  9. 1. Since the points will be based on the score in relation to the top score (and not the rank), it will not be possible to avoid same points for same scores. From a philosophical point of view, how can one make the argument that Person A's 742pts in XTU is worth less points than Person B's?


    I don't think he's suggesting different points for the same score, but shared points.


    Both to stop lots of people getting the equivalent of first points, and also to encourage people to actually try to beat each other rather than just equal.

  10. The competition is specifically designed that the GPU should be the bottleneck on a modern system.

    A cpu clock or core limit should not be required when the card is as low end as this.


    Ah right nice, I don't really know anything about 3D really and just assumed a more powerful cpu would mean a higher score regardless of GPU.

  11. Sorry but I can't make out anything in the pic, its way to dark. All I see is a white spot in the middle of a really dark photo.


    Sounds like something a little off your end it's fairly easy to distinguish some detail.

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