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Everything posted by Splave

  1. Congrats bro! well deserved running 3d this well live
  2. Massman Overclocking Arena is how I read it at first Go men!
  3. thanks, when I disable HT unstable same settings I cant figure out why maybe just funny chip. Try another one soon.
  4. Stole my mother in laws USB wireless drive, installed XTU latest on clean SP1 Win7 with no extra .nets only INF/USB3/MEI and works good. Seems interwebz is the key. She just called me and asked why her interet does not work, I told her it must be down.... Id love to have it work offline in future if possible she will want internet back at some point.
  5. seems nice to me! can volts stay so low when you raise mem and cache? what is cooler? seems to run very cool is only concern, I think hot chips scaling more. LN2 time man!
  6. way higher sam, will wait with those not submitted yet
  7. Wait so it doesnt stand for Super Kool?
  8. Gogoogogogogo
  9. YAY My first prize ever it seems
  10. Cant Edit contest submissions and I wanted to fill in the motherboard/HW fields correctly so delete and re-submit. Everyone relax lol!
  11. guess I will try these SKhynix South Korean Hynix FTW blessed by littleboy? XD
  12. bwahahaha step 1. Apply cold water on burned area.
  13. heres to hoping you get atleast .50/l
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