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Everything posted by Splave

  1. is sandy bridge and ivy bridge considered the same socket for stage 8 as well as clarkdale/lynnfield ?
  2. yes but XTU installs the ME that it wants right? Seems sometimes applying 1.725v in software would be around 1.9vcore real so I set all volts in bios for now on but it was too late it seems.
  3. I vote mandatory for all, if its too hard to open a couple CPUz windows then maybe choose an easier hobby like watching tv and eating Cheetos
  4. OMG do we need latest CPUz 1.67? If so my XTU is not valid used 1.66.1 stupid me XD
  5. Will guys that failed to post proper pictures (IE no pic of mem label or unreadable mem label) have a chance to reconcile it or will they just be denied?
  6. ViVi and I discuessed this as well, rando CB -20c less than normal sometimes. Strange
  7. M6 anything ! Lol maybe it is xtu maybe its boards. Seems es are better suited to these boards.
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