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Everything posted by Splave

  1. actually lol'd nice one
  2. I demand high dollar for my fake scores! that one took atleast 3 minutes to make.
  3. seems legit
  4. sorry that was me maybe PJ being in taiwan could use some hwbucks to fly over to china to verify.
  5. ^hehe
  6. whats an IMEB?
  7. my name is splave and I endorse this message
  8. too soon?
  9. good luck guys! nice to see more USA events
  10. Hahaha
  11. I believe he uses GIMP atleast that is what jpegsnoop analysis has shown me. (srs)
  12. john lam if you get banned for a year can I have your chip please
  13. didnt seem to help me at all 1870/1860 1.58v -130c but card red screens with any higher voltage or cold combination. but this is with vid mod and AB.
  14. did that last time they are on to my game...
  15. rofl is this untested one?? happy for you man, simple VR mod?
  16. I just got my RMA back! 3 months and finally here, atleast it made it back....bad part is it sucks 6.35ghz max cpuz
  17. damn nice chip! is this special high-k 3770k? Im jealous
  18. thanks guys card should do 1500/1350 atleast so there is more to be had
  19. lol stock ? nahhh 1450/1300 for nature 1350/1300 for the rest
  20. thanks dude, good to be home. ready to find a nice 3770k again finally
  21. Great job to T_M thanks man and nice to meet you. Are they planning on publishing the screenshots from top 5 here? I want to show perica_barri what a man I am
  22. Congrats to Korea, ryba, perica and quake. Great work!
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