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Everything posted by Splave

  1. bahhhh! just use a reference gunny
  2. I have no backups and my chip is dead (2 things in this sentence are not true)
  3. Takes more than deep pockets well maybe not as much as it used to but...Hope I get 3rd
  4. ^pretty sure its allowed to turn off tess nice result mr.yang
  5. maybe this will be good for something? .... Maybe not rofl
  6. ^ certainly trying to appear that way
  7. thanks men, see if I can improve a bit maybe
  8. they are just pieces I have x79-GD65 on the way
  9. some pieces to the puzzle have arrived Im not sure the z77 will be necessary with the z68a-GD80 doing quite well but better to be prepared. Current best 3930k I have is x53, hopefully 1 or all of these 3 will be better. PS
  10. what about the "SUPER" special AB huh? huh? huh?
  11. Just confirming it wasn't allowed (jk)
  12. thanks mate, Yeah gunny I saw a couple $700 ones. I can wait I suppose, need to bin some 3930k in the mean time.
  13. cheating is not allowed right?
  14. anyone know where you can get a lightning 7970 in the USA?
  15. I tried to read in google translated and got this rofl! "Alright, but Bukkake,... the question only point 1 Lightning originally, When you switch to LN2 BIOS, but it supposed to be released almost OCP,?? Why is. pattern that Uchi is not the case "
  16. 3.Asking nicely
  17. So then Lightning 7970 is allowed, but only vanilla GTX-680
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