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Everything posted by Splave

  1. me neither
  2. any one else run some 32m? performance is not that bad lol maybe try some hypers later secondary timings are very wrong atm lol
  3. I will be happy as long as the trolls from 03 do not make a return, and we see more jane nash in all her bouncing glory
  4. "Lets take this to the discussion corner" rofl
  5. massman is #1 thru #18 jk jk
  6. perhaps its an ES thing? I have 2 retail that cannot either
  7. 990x ES are tanks what a cherry, enjoy mate!
  8. 3133b684's a1455 5ghz wprime 1024 @ 1.425v Max vantage CPU test 5371mhz at 1.65v Chips are very similar except first one can boot 5418mhz other one will only boot 5388mhz perhaps batches are similar again.
  9. nope just x64 I will do 1024 later
  10. 3133b684 a1278 5ghz wprime 1024 @ 1.39v 5.2ghz CPU-Z valid @ 1.52v On venomous-X air cooler 22C ambient air temp (chip idle around 35c warmest core)
  11. did you guys get same results? 5.0ghz needed 1.4v in bios, jumping to 5.2ghz needed 1.525v in bios :0
  12. Testing two 3133b684's a1455 is one I will get SN end of other in a bit
  13. hey mass, you making a sandy-e batch tracking thread? or does batch mean nothing like 1155 chips?
  14. thanks guys, this is dom gt 2000 cas 7. Trying to get a 8gb run this weekend
  15. incredible where did you find this beauty?
  16. Having issues with the polaksayswhat index on my 12 core hmmmm...
  17. totally shit run wtf man jk nice work
  18. nice to see that chip is back in full force
  19. thats a shame, seemed like a cool dude at moa americas
  20. nice bro, where are your doms though lol
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