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Everything posted by Splave

  1. awww man that means no more bitch about it rofl move me back now! jk jk Thanks for moving me Just want to make sure my team will still get my HW boints right?
  2. what determines a pro? can we just choose to play with the big boys without sponsors? if so please change me to pro
  3. "The Overclockers league is based on a members best 15 global & worldrecord submissions, and the best 20 submissions with the most 'hardware' and 'competition' points." Say say your highest HW point submission is also one your best global submission do you get the full amount of points 2 times? IE 0+50+50 2nd place global submission for gtx-555 in 3dmark2001 0+50+50 1st place hardware submission for gtx-555 3dmark2001 Is the resulting points added to your total 100? or 200.
  4. I prefer magic
  5. i like this version of 01 better then the original
  6. I dont have a right to buy chips mate?
  7. why are you such a d-bag?
  8. ^ hehe congrats, if you cant make a best friend might as well purchase one rofl!! jk jk
  9. Ticket ID: 1267 Priority: Low Need categories for these cards seperated, should be\r\n\r\n9800 GT 112SP\r\n9800 GT 128SP\r\n\r\n8800 GTS 640 96SP\r\n8800 GTS 640 112SP\r\n\r\nThanks Crew
  10. nooooooooo vince found 5.9ghz jk you deserve it mate! thanks for pushing our hobby to the extreme
  11. stupid clocks on that lightning Id hate to see it with a 5.8 2600k
  12. jeesh, HW witch hunt ftl
  13. what we are failing to note here is that in smart doctor or any software for gtx-580's you dont choose the exact mhz you want to run. You are allowed within a range of numbers to either select the step below or above depending on which number you tried to input. IE why 990mhz 964mhz 976mhz are popular frequencies for gtx-580's
  14. thanks everyone card is a beastmaster. -150c 1.63v
  15. 4x 2600k arriving from the egg today, they will all be 6ghz but one might only do 5.599
  16. hey vivi maybe its your bootlegged version of 182.50 hack messing with things? or did you get it to install normally now.
  17. ^ rofl thats how I feel lately bro
  18. Hey bro, I asked shammy for a bios that would lock 3d clocks so 2d wouldnt go crazy when under heavy cold. He sent me a couple of them locked at different memory clocks, 1200, 1250,1300 and 1350. Thats why there memory clocks on the cards are "the same" it cant be changed in OS after the bios. I forwarded them to rom and dent to try out before I use it on my amazing 1627mhz card lol cause I knew they were getting together with a bunch of cards from newegg. I can pm links if youd like just lmk Wait wut?
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