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Everything posted by BenchZowner

  1. I can't see what's wrong with going for a simple text field for starters.
  2. That's not an option for me for the time being. If it is, and you can keep it alive until September, then hell yeah, a road trip to MI is a nice experience ( for the driving lovers )
  3. Can we see that magic retail with proper video proof ? ( I expect some people to bash and call me names, but you know I don't give a flying f*ck, I say what I have to say no matter what, I'm not the one to "backstab" or the speechless chicken )
  4. There's an expensive and community based solution to split the categories by cooling type, but it'll still kinda be based on the "honor system". Only live sessions watched by at least 5 independent/moderation people can be put in a cooling category ( or proven by watching the live stream video on livestream ). I'm quite sure people will start saying "I don't have a camera or web camera" ( I LOL especially at the latter part of the excuse )... but it's one of the things that can be done irl.
  5. Won't make any difference. What would make a difference would be a switch to a 1200/1300 5870 & Cat 9.12HF
  6. Hmmm... CPU batch field plz ? [ it's not hard to add, is it ? ]
  7. Or just drop the points ( on everything ) and it's all done
  8. Those of you who "bench for fun", are you willing to have all your results point/hwboint-less ? Who needs personal & team rankings when he only bench for fun ?
  9. I said that the manufacturers should NOT have a word in how the HWbot league/leagues will be arranged and run, neither on HWbot's point system. Never said to stop offering them the opportunity to run their competitions through your system. There's a thin red like between allowing the manufacturers to use and enjoy the benefits of HWbot and allowing the manufacturers to interfere and in the end control HWbot and its rankings.
  10. Which brings back the topic about scores from events with hardware that the overclockers don't own shouldn't be submitted or awarded with points.
  11. Somebody mentioned something about listening to and asking the manufacturers... No, if HWbot is what the about us/mission page says, the manufacturers should be ignored, and do what's best for the community ( not a way to get more sponsors, or mfc interference ). For the ones with hopes of getting sponsored by a mfc... if they split the rankings the mfc's will just pay attention to the top 5-10 of the pro league and that's it.
  12. You can't prove it, like you can't prove other reported hardware sharing situations, right ?
  13. It's up to the great OC Judge to figure this out, decide and take the appropriate actions.
  14. If you're talking about QX9650's E.S., then yes, I kinda agree too, but asking to remove those as well will just piss off massman
  15. I agree with Maxi. And I can't see anyone here asking to remove any ES results except the ones in talk ( 980X & 670 )
  16. I don't think so man. I think MSI allows only Big Bang Xpower users to participate in this contest.
  17. You didn't, because it can be undone ( I mean get the score "page" to appear just fine )
  18. Just a question Pieter, how exactly do you know that one of the guys with AquaMark 3 runs ( for example ) with a 6.6GHz++ E.S. are indeed real and not photoshopped mipmap runs ?
  19. The CPU-z excuse is indeed a lame excuse, sorry I had to say that. Just like somebody with an ES can cheat and make the ES appear as a retail, the same way a guy with a retail or any random CPU can fake CPU-z and the accompanying screenshot to pretend that he has a 6.5GHz E.S. for example...
  20. You dropped the support, but did you learn anything from their organizational mistakes ?
  21. Absolutely. Since all the time our arguments are "invalid" in your and massman's opinion. Just like they were invalid back then when F1OC begun... and we all saw how that ended up...
  22. Don't know whether I should care or not. I've seen you guys ignore various suggestions and ideas from various members in the past, actually it looks like you just don't care, so... maybe not.
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