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Everything posted by BenchZowner

  1. Actually it's knowledge ( or should I say step by step guides ) that people HAND OVER to you and only you.
  2. And what about the unfair competition on the graphics field Garrett where only 1 person has the cold slow bug fix for the GTX 480 ? When only 1 person can hit 1200+ MHz GPU Core on the 480's while the rest can't pass 1170-1190 due to the cold slow bug ?
  3. Hondacity that switch ( jumper-set ) is an enable/disable switch for the LoadLine calibration function for the UnCore ( Vtt aka Vdimm/Vqpi ) voltage. With the jumper @ disabled the QPI Voltage drops & droops.
  4. I think it's safe to say that my article can now be enriched I honestly can't understand those people. I bet I wasn't the only one telling them not to do it this way, and of course not launch a competition before people can actually buy the board... yet they did it again.
  5. OCP hard mod & disclaimer added.
  6. Yes, be excited now Actually I'm still in the process of finding the damned data sheet of the controller used on the reference GTX 480's, CHiL Semiconductor's CHL8266. If you know somebody who can get the datasheet please ask him to give it to us so we can figure out all the mods. I think I found the OCP mod, but I'm not 100% sure because I don't know if the pin configuration of the 8266 is the same as 8316's, so I'm not going to post it before I get a confirmation myself or from a brave friend : Some good news, it looks like the CHL8266 is fully programmable via SMbus ( VID, OCP, OTP, OVP ), so if somebody with the necessary coding knowledge can pop in here we'll be able to change the Vgpu, the OCP and OTP & OVP on the fly via software. Update 07/14/2010 No GPU OCP/OVP Firmware You can disable OCP via software ( flash the CHL8266 controller with a modified firmware which disables OVP & OCP ) [ you still need to do the MEM OCP mod, this disables the OCP for the GPU core only ]. No need to run GPU-z and co, just flash the CHL8266 once and you're done forever You'll find the necessary files and instructions in the linked RAR archive file: CHiL 8266 Disabled OCP Firmware - Download from BenchZone CHiL 8266 Disabled OCP Firmware - Download from RapidShare Cold Slow Bug BIOS fix Thanks to George "Hipro5" T. the Cold Slow bug fix is out in the wild. Flash your card ( info in READ ME FIRST.TXT ) and enjoy. nVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 Cold Slow Bug BIOS Fix OCP hard mod *not tested yet though, the risk is yours* original photo courtesy of TechPowerUp.com No OCP, No OVP ( Unlocked Voltage adjustment ) BIOS & Tool Download from: BenchZone or RapidShare -- if a manufacturer wants to f* with somebody f* with me, come on Summary, added 07/14/2010 To sum things up, if you want to do some extreme overclocking with a GTX 480 all you need to do is: 1) Flash the card with the ColdBug fixed BIOS ( BIOS #1 by Hipro5 ) [ download links above ] 2) Flash the CHL8266 controller with the No OCP/OVP firmware ( BIOS ) [ download links above ] 3) Do the Cold Boot Bug ( CBB ) mod as illustrated by Kinc ( mod guide pictures to be added in this post later ) 4) Do the Vgpu ( GPU Core Voltage ) mod as illustrated by... numerous people ( mod guide picture to be added in this post later ) *You might have to do the MEM OCP mod, it's a hit 'n' miss thing, some people need it, some don't* ( mod guide picture to be added in this post later ) Enjoy!
  7. He he thanks, that's what I'm getting lately ( the 3, you know every man's holy family ). Crappy CPU, Crappy UnCore, Crappy Efficiency, Crappy Clocks, Crappy Thermos ( lost lots of runs because I was alone and only had 2 thermos )
  8. Yeap, because they're fake. http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=7543
  9. It is illegal. And always use version 4.1 for HWbot.
  10. Actually 3D Mark03 runs way better in Windows 7 x64. wPrime is faster in Windows XP for both P55 & X58 ( unless there's something I'm missing because I tested all the OSes a few weeks ago ). 3D Mark05 is faster in Vista x86. 3D Mark Vantage is faster in Win7 x86. AquaMark 3 @ windows 7 x64 PiFast, 3D Mark2001SE @ win xp x86 SPi32m @ winxp or win2k3server
  11. There's no SMbus unless you have the Winbond chip ( which is an SMbus controller ) like the ES cards do. Gigabyte's OC Guru "bling" Panel uses the PMbus to change the voltage. Somebody should reverse-engineer it me thinks
  12. Voltages can be adjusted via a program setting register values via the PMbus ( wish I knew how to program that I used to be an intermediate C coder, but I'm like a beginner after 5 years of not coding at all )
  13. Sorry but nobody said anything about a spoon, I asked if you had a fork
  14. I know what you mean man I was asking because MSI didn't intend to let this get out in the wild, but since some people should have it, props to you for taking the plunge and sharing it
  15. MSI gave you the "go ahead" nudge Pieter ?
  16. Good point Frederik, rev 1.1 time I partially agree with you on that. Sure it's fun too, and stressing, but it would consume a lot of time ( wPrime 1024m on a single/dual core for example ) and some benchmarks ( like CineBench for example ) would be a matter of clock frequencies as they're not tweakable at all.
  17. Hey guys, Due to the absolute failures and epic goofs that occurred in the overclocking events/competitions organized by some hardware manufacturers the last few months I decided to take some time and write an article about it, not to bash them for their silly mistakes, but to point out their mistakes and mishaps, and to give the manufacturers and the people responsible for the contests some suggestions and ideas to better organize them, leading to better competitions and therefore better products. Whether you're an overclocker ( accomplished or not, an experienced one or a newbie ) or an employee of a hardware manufacturer, I believe this article is worth a few minutes of your time. I'll leave you with some quotes and a link to the article. Your comments, ideas & suggestions are welcome ( and will be added ). Here's the link to the full article ( click me! ) Enjoy!
  18. I don't know if it was hicookie posting scores via multiple accounts. But from my communication with a few Gigabyte contacts that I have I have the impression that they were working under pressure and they needed to attract as many people they could to participate in this contest, there was an "urge" to get people to submit scores. Maybe an angry boss ? I don't know, but that's how I comprehended their e-mails and behavior.
  19. Yeah, how much for the best retail chip ?
  20. I'm 98% sure that it's a change from the engineers that made the "old" software not to function properly. The Vddci, Vpci-express & Vmem work just fine, so unless I'm mistaken and my info is bad about Gigabyte fixing this, this shall be fixed soon with a new version of the utility by Gigabyte
  21. 2 CPUs, one of them being Stummie's and the other one being... well... you know tsan and his luck isn't exactly what I'd call picking up, not even close yet. If anybody else finds a retail as good as tsan's seems to be, I'll be surprised.
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