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Everything posted by cyclone

  1. Would agree with you if there were no dozens of stories about sudden MoBo + CPU deaths without any overclocking, in ordinary users' PCs. But they are. MSI Dr.MOS rocks burns Anyway must agree with Splave. It's not the right place for it here.
  2. If there are only 10 10 will qualify. 50% rule does have lower priority in this case. It has been stated somewhere around here long time ago. drweez it always depends on hands.dll also but stats show that MSI mobos (not talking about VGAs!) have the worst OC reputation among TOP3 vendors all over the community. I've got my own 'bitchy story' that is not published yet. Just not to harm MSI's reputation much with bad words and not to argue with local office where good guys work.
  3. meis don't disfigure my POV please. We'll see later who you are and what you can do. It's ryba's great 'achievement' that all his 'teammates' after Chaos are not considered to be OCers from the very start. All credits to him. p.s. unlike you another Polish team did great in some HWBOT competitions earlier. Inappropriate example.
  4. In general it does not but in ryba's case it has meant bringing girlfrinends/frinends/whoever but not OCers to the compos.I suppose many would like to see if you are skilled enough while Marcin standing somewhere far away from the benching stand for two-three hours in Moscow
  5. This is getting annoying... Mate, come down. Don't try to make your rules here because it's ASUS (not slamms) who is the only one to interpret ambiguous things dedicated to AOOC 2013. In the way THEY want. Respect sponsor and the community.
  6. +1 Otherwise T0lsty will bring my cat not me to the compo -)
  7. Even some LN2 Titans didn't pass so.. it's not only about the GPU choice -)
  8. Greetings to the succeeded ones! Expected some more struggle here anyway. As I predicted at the AOOC's very start, old good R7970 was enough to enter the final despite all those Titans and zombies -)
  9. not afraid but curious -) yup, me thinks the same way
  10. seems that hwbot should be ddosed an hour or two before any big competition deadline so that last-minute-guys slightly pissed on their pants and posted the maxout-results earlier next times. c'mon guys post your results! have to go to bed now but wanna see the TOP-12 -))
  11. pre-selected pcs?.. or what? -) I thought you'll beat your TOP-result. Nice shot anywhay!
  12. ah didn't notice Rbuass's score. Nevertheless.. -)
  13. Good shot! Ari, how's that thermometer doing at pretty low temps (LN2)? Which one are you using?
  14. Ananerbe really stong power lines! One of the best I've seen around here ~
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