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Everything posted by steponz

  1. Superpi is this weekend... was busy trying to make the damn lightning 480 clock.. thinking the memory on teh card is crap... Looking forward to Superpi... thanks for the kind words.. !!!!..
  2. Man... I hate you!!!!..... Mine will not do more than 1225/1200, I think there is an issue with memory.. because I have tried every cooling method/insulation type... And I use the same TIM as you anyway... lol.... Congrats on your score..... Killler............................
  3. Yeah.. I am slow... .lol... I sent an email after I read it... I was on my iphone.. damn home router broke...lol
  4. Thanks guys.... Splaver.. you the man...
  5. Still pretty damn... good.. could be gpu limited.. I need to try again.. Going to keep trying?
  6. Way to ruin my p55 7ghz-nis.. lol..... Very nice..... I want to see 8ghz... my friend... gettng there...
  7. I like festers... wrappers... to get the cheaters...
  8. I agree..... next time..we will have to make it a point.. hopefully multiple day events will make it happen.... It was definitely an honor for us as well... And No worries Ill take Splave out for ya.... lol....
  9. Dinos strikes again... never gonna be alone with thay guy.... lol
  10. Wow, very nice Brian, Still waiting for you to get a magical core I5 chip up there... lol..
  11. Mass, I just we could have drank more.... 3 more beers.... sorry had to say it.... lol.... Hopefully I qualify next year so we bs alittle bit more... totally agree on the multi-day trip... 1 day to clock... I was exhausted and had about 10 redbulls and 15 pepsis.... and that was only at the comp... lol... It was really great time..... and hell yeah!!!! Local qualifiers......!!!!!!!
  12. Mass, You crack me up man... I like masters for the first... I would agree with Sf3D about the Champions league.... Not sure if I would use "pink" though..lol.... Not sure of a better one either... I guess I am useless.. lol
  13. Go Dent!! Not too shabby... coming after ya.... lol OCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Totally with ya on that.... Fighter... Warrior.... sounds pretty stupid... need to set a standard... lol
  15. Why not entice users to signup for a premium account? Give them more cool to have features instead of a membership... this way members can choose to upgrade... You could offer a variety of features.. Ill upgrade no matter what to support the site... I just enjoy this too much.
  16. go patch.................................
  17. One more thing... Why not adjust the point structure to encourage benching of other benchmarks... Right now benching the new ones.. doesn't give any points... We put alot of effort in our benches.... with the little time some of us have... Why not give more points to encourage the benchmark? Example.. Memory Clock... Top guy gets no points.. I bet it was fun as hell to bench that.. why not reward it.. I think we could get more benching by doing this... Just an idea.. seperating cpu 3d benching could be good also.. Keep it up...
  18. Either way Ill bench... Seems like it could be interesting... Not sure about the whole one score per team.. if it really ends up being a problem, then wait til rev. 5 or 6.. I am affraid that it might discourage users from posting there scores.. Hard to say though.. Will the leagues be combined for teams? Meaning LN2 and AIR/Water be on the same team.. and will they have the same point structure? Maybe I missed something... Didn't read through the whole thing... Either way... Keep up the good work... its definitely a stressful thing.. but I see its for the good of the oc community in general... Keep clocking brothas!
  19. Looks like were 1-2-3 now... lol
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