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Everything posted by steponz

  1. I think its a great question... wonder what would happen with wazza... sick for sure..
  2. Amazing... almost at the 11 mark..
  3. YOu love these 2 cores... Sweet job man...
  4. Its a monster.. Very nice card, I happen to love MSI Lightning cards..
  5. Really make me want to torch my r3e...
  6. I think the card can do 1400 mem without mod... I honestly didn't try any higher.. waiting for a better cpu.. or test with a better bios.... more results on the way....
  7. I was going to get one of these chips... too many other things to bench already... Have to get time.. where can I get that... lol... Congrats Bodar!!!!
  8. steponz

    I'm back ...

    Now that's funny... don't get dino started.. the pic on kingpin was funny...
  9. With ya on that Duke... Sad that not everyone is like us brotha..
  10. What would have happened if no one caught it... He would have taken a spot from someone.. and he willingly did that.... That's the worst.. putting himself above all else because he lost board... poor him... I lost 2 and I didn't get there... 2nd board never even gave me a shot.. Not to mention yang took my shot away from me in the xpower comp... I would have won that if my board didn't die.. I could have easily beat hazzan's score, but I wanted to pull off a win on Yang, but the board died before I could... He is just sorry because he got caught... Thats the worst.. his explenations were pathetic and blaming others instead of saying it was him... Remember he edited his posts.... He's the worst in my book and I do not trust any of his results... A cheater is a cheater.... plain and simple... banned................
  11. In my book you are the worst Hiwa... All your submissions are tainted.. And since you cheated on FM contest.. I don't trust any of your scores... Your own fault.. I had 2 bad boards for the two comps... the 2nd board would not let me do anything over 5.4... Even though if I switched if over to one of my classy's it would go way over that... Did I ask for a score... no way.. I was sooo bummed you don't even know... I honestly can't believe you people wanted to take away what other people earned.. you deserver your bans... Hopefully after your year ban you learn your lesson, but for now... your a joke... I did look up to you before.... But I doubt that would ever happen again.. Stop blaming others and take your punishment with dignity.. This is my last post on the subject.. Im pretty much over it... Hope you get the point.
  12. man your killing me... I need my other x5680..... very nice.. I am very surprised that the 2 cards are limiting it that much...
  13. Very nice... Looks like Bodar and I were the only ones who had a bad board... arghh....
  14. Looks like a fun comp... Ill have to get myself an AMD board one of these days...
  15. Looks like you won lords also.. 2 tickets my friend... Wish I had a decent board..
  16. I thought it always had to be disabled no?? never actually tried it with it on... lol.... Nice score skin....
  17. Error in computation.... lol... Just playing man.... Good job keeping with it....
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