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Everything posted by OptyTrooper

  1. This one still pwns you Bustah:http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1052493_ Don't be a hater. I own you in PcMark05 almost every time and I see it's getting under your skin. I do with XP too where powertoy doesn't work. Ill take this one down myself:http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1061134_optytrooper_pcmark_2005_athlon_64_3700_san_diego_9161_marks 2 points mean nothing too me I'll make that and some today. Feel free to sift through all my submissions. In the end I'm still better than you.
  2. Not you... I meant Massman. Though that would be even more surprising.
  3. LOL! That's right you caught me! I circumvented print screen using mwsnap;) Look I'll gladly remove the submission to avoid any controversy. 2 points is nothing to me. I can make that up in a few seconds. Just say the word bossman.
  4. If I had used power toy I would be in the high 8000's or low 9000 @ those clocks. You can see it on the desktop there and I do use it for testing but I would never use it to submit as that might be a violation of the rules.
  5. Earlier today I had like 9.7 global points and now I have 1.10.... Don't see how this is possible seeing as this submission alone is worth 3 globals:http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1063336_optytrooper_pcmark_2005_pentium_4_631_11273_marks I forced recalculation but no good. This isn't right either. How can both my 1 CPU PCmark05 submission, my X6 AND my X2 submission both be worth only team points? Has to be one or the other guys. I dropped from 567 to 602st?!?! Not likely! This has me a bit irked.
  6. Nice run Barisan. Enjoy it while you can;)
  7. Nice run III. Your a lucky monkey I don't have my MP 2000+ anymore;)
  8. LOL! I won't hit 8Ghz unless I am EXTREMELY lucky. I'll probably hit 7 give or take a few but who knows. I'll say one thing though I won't take the top spot. Too many big guns w too much juice waiting in the wings. For one I can't afford an A-card or a bunch of SSD's. Best I can squeeze out of my i-ram is 185Mb/s which ain't bad but not top tier material.
  9. Maybe boss but I just don't think the Sempy has the juice. Someone will crank a Cedarmill up to 8Ghz on LN2 with a 5870, A-card, and some DDr3 @ tight ass timings and take the top spot. Like I said I will break 14000+ by the time this over maybe 15000.
  10. Sempron won't take PCMark05. A P4 HT Cedarmill on LN2 will as the Sempron will fall behind in the multithreaded tests. Probably Vantage as well. I can almost guarantee I'll break 14000 with a P4 Cedarmill before the contest is over. I predict 15000 will be broken by someone else.
  11. That looks right for a Celeron D @ those clocks. There's a big gap between 10,000 and 13,000 boss. So what did you do to get that huge score you submitted that you didn't want to show/us to see? Same system @ the same clocks and a 3000 point gap? Come on man please post the legit score and keep this competition clean.
  12. On topic though Christian Ney's run needs be transparent and it's not. If he can reproduce the score AND show the correct sub-scores then fine and well done. If not then it should come down.
  13. Exactly. I can put up 13000+ too with Powertoy. I run legit though. Nice run in the challenge BTW Evo It's my freak of a 7900Gs that kills you guys in 478 and 462. Shhh! Don't tell anyone.
  14. Prffft I smack you and Bench bros around in 478 and 462 almost weekly.
  15. Hey if he can post a run without sub-scores obscured I'll shut my pie hole and get back too the bench.
  16. That run is still suspect Christian Ney. Lower sub-scores all around than Evocarlos and with a lesser graphics card? Your HDD General usage time is obscured as are your encoding times. Not saying it's a cheat just saying it looks pretty off to me. It's pretty easy to tweak the 1st multi-thread test using Powertoy you know.
  17. Won't be here till tomorrow but here's a link to the specs:http://www.motherboard.cz/mb/iwill/P4CT.htm
  18. Iwill P4CT s478 motherboard. Thanks.
  19. Anyone going to fix this? ^^ Example: wPrime 32m 4x CPU rank:not OptyTrooper’s best wPrime 32m submission, only best is ranked. wPrime 32m 2x Opteron 250 90nm rank: 1st out of 3, good for 2.0 points. 2 Opteron 250 CANNOT equal 4 CPU's.
  20. If you look @ the submissions here:http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/opteron_248_130nm?tab=2drankings#/manufacturer.rankings.do?applicationId=14&manufacturer=amd&hardwareTypeId=CPU_522&hardwareType=CPU&tabid=cpubenchmarks you'll see that 2X Opteron 148 130nm's are counted as 4 cores in all the submissions and single CPU are counted as 2X cores. There as never been an Opteron 248 made that had more than one core. Could you please correct this so scores are ranked properly. The Opteron 250 90nm is screwed up too.
  21. When valid opinions/concern are expressed he simply replies in a manner that insinuates that this is the only way but gee thanks for the input guys. Tons of people have already expressed their concerns on how the new team rankings will essentially kill off the little guys and the response has been apathetic to say the least. I see a " The Emperor wears no clothes" effect going on. Us: "This will discourage the new guys and small timers an only serve to further the sponsored overclockers". Staff: "No it won't we cant' explain how but it won't, trust us". Us: "Ummm yeah it will and here's 20 reasons why". Staff: "No it won't". Put it to a vote. All most of want is transparency and a say in things. If only 200 vote then they are obviously the ones who care. That's how an election works.
  22. I keep reading posts where this rev. 4 is referred too in the present tense by staff. We might as well come to terms with the fact that this has already been decided by the powers that be and give our fingers and minds a rest. I have a new NF4 Ultra-D to go play with so enjoy pissing in the wind lads and lassies I have better things too do.
  23. My comment was in no way a "personal" attack against Massman. I am simply calling a spade a spade. If the manufacturers are allowed undue influence upon the direction of the ranking and point system then I'd gladly pay a fee to offset said influence. Notice I said if. I am accusing no one. Massman already addressed me about that much earlier in the thread and I retracted my comment and even apologized for inferring different. I don't come here to complain I come here to bench keep that in mind. Unlike some others benching is a large part of my life just like anyone else who is dedicated to the sport of their choosing I am passionate about it and I don't like the direction my sport is going with this rev. so I am making my voice heard. I'm also egotistical so I will continue to bench b/c I am just that damn good and as I accumulate more hardware and knowledge continue racking up points regardless. This site was built in a very large part on the backs of little guys who bench hand me downs and rummage sale finds and you, Massman and everyone else on the staff would do well to remember such. If the current rev. goes through as is I predict the death of HWBOT as a legitimate platform for competitive benching within a year. I don't think anyone users, staff or manufacturers want that. Perhaps you should let the sponsors see the countless legitimate objections to this move and say "The majority of our members are not so happy about this maybe we need to go back to the drawing board because if your looking for fresh blood any time soon this move will kill that".
  24. I suppose so.
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