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Everything posted by OptyTrooper

  1. I have every one of these sockets but I rarely run 32M. Time to learn.
  2. More hung submissions:http://hwbot.org/results.daily.top.do?order=date&dateFrom=-24h&teamId=2092&title=Top%20submissions
  3. Been around 6 hours now. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1079874_optytrooper_superpi_athlon_mp_2000_palomino_49sec_984ms?tab=info'>http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1079874_optytrooper_superpi_athlon_mp_2000_palomino_49sec_984ms?tab=info http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1079874_optytrooper_superpi_athlon_mp_2000_palomino_49sec_984ms?tab=info
  4. Yeah I figured that. Looks to be an early sample from when they were testing for the move to AM3 from AM2+.
  5. Snagged this little guy off eBay. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1487353 It's a piss poor overclocker but a neat thing to own. Stock freq:http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1487403 Pic of IHS:http://i55.tinypic.com/2qtkg40.jpg
  6. Thanks guys. I'll take all the tips I can get Ant;)
  7. Yeah new submissions still are not calculating. Oh well off to bed. I
  8. New submissions are not calculating either:http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1073559_optytrooper_pcmark_2005_pentium_4_3.0_ghz_prescott_8133_marks Also still loosing points. Nov 3, 2010: Your wPrime 32m submission with a Xeon 2.4Ghz (fsb533) changed from hardware rank 1 to 2. - source - archive. Nov 3, 2010: You lost -0.5 hardware points for your wPrime 32m Xeon 2.4Ghz (fsb533) submission. - source - archive.
  9. Thank god. I may have had stroke.... I think I need to lie down..
  10. Disregard. I am distraught. I take my points WAY too seriously....maybe. Someone was being a pain about reporting good submissions of mine a few days ago. My E2160 rank is down too:http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1062593_ More are dropping by the minute. Too many to keep track of. Nov 3, 2010: You lost -1.5 hardware points for your CPU-Z Athlon XP 2400+ Thoroughbred submission. - source - archive. Nov 3, 2010: You lost -1 hardware points for your PiFast Celeron s478 1.7Ghz submission. - source - archive. Nov 3, 2010: You lost -1.1 hardware points for your SuperPi Celeron s478 1.7Ghz submission. - source - archive. Nov 3, 2010: You lost -1.1 hardware points for your wPrime 32m Athlon XP 2200+ Thoroughbred submission. - source - archive.
  11. My submissions/rankings are all screwed up. For example my Pentium 4 Prescott 3.0 dropped to 4 with an old submission:http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/pentium_4_3.0_ghz_prescott?tab=2drankings#/manufacturer.rankings.do?applicationId=9&manufacturer=intel&hardwareTypeId=CPU_343&hardwareType=CPU&tabid=cpubenchmarks Yet if you look here:http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1038771_optytrooper_pcmark_2005_7862_marks it still is listed as receiving points but the model has been removed. That was a valid submission with a proper screen shot and I see no reason why it dropped in rank. I'm hoping there is a bug and someone isn't being a douche. If they are I know who it is and your top rank will fall today boss.
  12. Your going to have too anyway If I have anything to do with it. Thanks for working on this guys.
  13. I've reported this elsewhere but nothing was done about it. For example the Opteron 248 130nm runs achieved with x2 CPU's are ranked as 4 core's. ALL s940 Opterons with a designated of _50 or below are single core. For example Opteron 250 is single core. Here is a link showing an example. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/opteron_248_130nm?tab=2drankings#/manufacturer.rankings.do?applicationId=14&manufacturer=amd&hardwareTypeId=CPU_522&hardwareType=CPU&tabid=cpubenchmarks 2 CPU's should equal 2 cores not 4. This problem is present in all the Opteron 200 series ranking from 250 on down too 240 in all the 2D categories.
  14. Doesn't matter chew. There's a 220mb/s limit period not just for XP start up the only reason it's specified is that it's the most visible. If that's not so then I can run HDD general usage off a "soft" RAM DISK and jump above 13000 pts myself. If were going to not hold the participants to the ORB guidelines say the word and let's have a free for all. Break out the powertoy and browser of your choice kids and let's get it on.
  15. Really doesn't matter. The pint of the 220mb/s limit is to limit. it does not JUST apply too XP start up time. I don't care if he has 100 A-cards.
  16. He don't look like that big of a deal too me:http://hwbot.org/community/user/stevero His HDD times are out of line especially for that single SSD he's running. You know it and I know it.
  17. This is a bad run:http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1069759_stevero_pcmark_2005_celeron_lga775_440_13807_marks Those HDD scores are WAY off!
  18. 410mb/s on the HDD general usage? With a single SSD? When the XP start-up is only 121mb/s? Not happening.
  19. Nice run! Better your game face on boss cause I got a 3.0 Pressy on the way.
  20. Thank you. I may not be a top dog in the benching community but I think enough of you have seen my submissions too know I bench "clean". I have voluntarily removed the other submission in question so i consider the matter closed. If anyone else wants to discuss it feel free. It's my sons B-day so i have more important things to do. Thanks, Opty
  21. All I can say is the runs were likely bugged or I submitted one I ran using powertoy by mistake. I run countless benchmarks almost daily so I'm sure you can understand how I might chose the wrong screen shot. I have removed the runs in question. If you can find any others feel free to bring them to my attention. I spend a lot of time making sure I submit clean runs and top notch runs so I would rather remove them then have my reputation called into question. Mr.Scott: Christian Ney was just playing around with me about using mwsnap to take my screenshots.
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