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Everything posted by OptyTrooper

  1. Your talking out your ass Shrimp and Chicago ain't that far for me to stomp a mudhole in your ass. Watch your mouth and stop spreading rumours you know nothing about. You sent me a board I bought for you or did you forget that? Take heed Jon when you talk trash on a hillbilly. BTW: I was hospitilized several times for my PTSD you ass and was unable to funtion on any kind of normal level and I am currently working with those I owe to reimburse. Except you. You can get bent.
  2. HWBOT announces rev. Fail
  3. 31 open issues? Really? Boy this rev 4 was a wonderful idea. Hows it workin' for ya son?
  4. Sooooo..... Maybe it should be renamed rev. 4 2012
  5. Get over it then. It was a competition Scotty and not related to friendship on any level here on my end. Point being you shouldn't take it personally b/c it was not. I would have done the same if it were it any other team and you know it.
  6. You just can't keep civil tongue can you? 151 Golds speak for themselves brother. Browse the dual socket rankings and come back with something smart to say.
  7. I have them all. Wish Massman would allow old runs b/c I could just end this right now.
  8. You've watched Star wars one too many times Massman. That answer was very Yoda.
  9. Agreed. Hi buddy I noticed you never jumped on the crucify Opty bandwagon @ CP. Never got to thank you so thanks.
  10. You got off easy and you know it. You made it personal Scotty. TO show you just how much better I am than you I will give you my next CPU MP 2000 Pally. Consider 1 chip down many more to go boss. Oh! wait and when rev. 4 hits CP will be so ass out you'll bleed for months. The goood news is since I'm the only one who benches "classic" hardware for my team it counts as the top. That sounds nice. So off I go too overclock in my skirt Scotty. After all it's a warm night.
  11. Wow you penalized them a whole .1 point. I'm sure that stung. It matters not anyway b/c after rev.4 Team CP will be a non-entity. Opty out.
  12. Massman:"Using the same hardware within the same stage would be hardware sharing" That's what they did and admitted they did it. I mean can it be more clear?
  13. Not surprising comment considering your thick as thieves with CP. On your note however I have been nothing but civil.
  14. It's not like you all got together and benched the card Scotty. It was deliberately mailed to you free for a express purpose. That constitutes hardware sharing under the rules including competition as has already been outlined. It's illegal. You know it, I know it, and the staff knows it.
  15. Perfect! Scotty this is not personal it's a competition. I have been nothing but civil. Lord knows you had to sit by for months and watch me smash enough of your socket A scores. I'd be testy too. BTW that's a joke Scotty before you start yammering about lines in the sand. Knopf I don't know about good faith. It was done b/c Scotty is the only one who stood a chance.
  16. Who resorted too name calling Scotty? And who says I already didn't pass you. I'm better than @ socket A on my worst you know it and so do I. Hell the only reason your doing so well is I sold one of my NFII's for a song. The only time I personally referenced you was as a friend so shame on you sir. This wasn't hating it was clarification now that it's clarified so be it.
  17. Okay then who did you tell me you lent the card too Paco? I know you loaned it to Scotty.
  18. Again allowing it only encourages further such behavior.
  19. But sharing is sharing and if you it slide now it will encourage this behavior in the future.
  20. B/c it's the same damn card.
  21. I doubt they'll provide it. I was personally informed by one of their members the card pased from Paco bc/ he couldn't take the top to StoneAge no go still and on to Mr.Scott. A lot of these guys I consider friends but cheating is cheating period.
  22. http://hwbot.org/competition/hoc_apr11?tab=stage%205 If you look at the submissions by CP you'll see the progression of the cards travel.
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