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Everything posted by OptyTrooper

  1. Okay I resubmitted it:http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2145558_optytrooper_wprime_32m_athlon_64_4200_x2_windsor_26sec_37ms But if go to the rankings still no boints...:http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/athlon_64_4200_x2_windsor?tab=2drankings#/manufacturer.rankings.do?applicationId=14&manufacturer=amd&hardwareTypeId=CPU_1142&hardwareType=CPU&tabid=cpubenchmarks Sorry to bother but 4.3 points is 4.3 points especially these days. It's odd b/c it will award me the boints then promptly take them away....I no get it. Make Opty angry!
  2. Agreed. Keep things simple yet varied. There are enough dual-socket platforms to keep folks plenty busy. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when some "top guns" get ahold of a K8N-DRE and have no idea how to make it overclock.
  3. Wait a minute all the submission info is there in the link so why can't it be fixed for me again?
  4. Nope:( Oh well.) I deleted a bunch of old stuff yesterday...
  5. I likely have it on a thumb drive. Just delete it and I'll resubmit. If I don't have it it's no loss b/c I got no credit anyways.
  6. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2145558_optytrooper_wprime_32m_athlon_64_4200_x2_windsor_26sec_37ms Says it's not my best X2 4200 Windsor submission but seeing as it's my only submission in category. And yes I tried recalculating.
  7. Even better! I likes the sound of this especially since I has all these boards.
  8. I think a dual socket 940 comp. would be a blast! K8N-DRE's are dirt cheap (and very tweakable if you have the right tools) as are dual core Opterons and DDR400 ECC. Slap your favorite pxci-e x16 card and drive in an away you go! It's hardare most of us can afford and most everyone would be learning a new platform making for a lot of fun! Just a thought. Perhaps WPrime32 and 1024 and supePi 32 and 1M.
  9. Well I'll let you hold tight to the dream for now. I'm busy setting up for 370.
  10. Nice run old friend not nearly enough but nice. You should know better Scotty... Stick to 370 Chief. You stand a better chance.
  11. Better have a cherry chip or your just boiling LN2. It's a rare 462 chip that will benefit from LN2 over say SS. BTW if your thinking of running a 3850 forget it. A good 7900GS or 7950GT will eat it for lunch.
  12. LOL! I'm just toying with ya guy. That's a non-tweaked run;) Socket 370 is up next. Better beam on up Scotty before things get dicey.
  13. Well done! I have beeen pretty much single handedly trying to catch you guys. I got within a point once.....
  14. Well done! I have beeen pretty much single handedly trying to catch you guys. I got within a point once.....
  15. I should break 24000 today if all goes well. That will give CP something to shooot for.
  16. I'd expect no less. That's just one of my mediocre chips;)
  17. Thanks. It's piss poor compared too a good Pentium Pressy but it will have to do.
  18. I have a couple that have been stuck for quite a few hours now. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1093254_optytrooper_wprime_32m_sempron_64_3200_palermo_54sec_203ms http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1093256_optytrooper_wprime_1024m_sempron_64_3200_palermo_29min_26sec_750ms
  19. I hate s754. I'm going to bench it but yeah I hate it. Frustrating is putting it too mildly.
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