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Everything posted by OptyTrooper

  1. That's an awfully high score for those clocks and timings as well as using only a 210.......
  2. Failed to convert property value of type java.lang.String[] to required type java.lang.Integer for property refClock; nested exception is org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionFailedE xception: Unable to convert value "300.3,1846,300.3,1846" from type java.lang.String to type java.lang.Integer; nested exception is java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "300.3,1846,300.3,1846" Entered info as 300.3 and this is what I get back. EDIT: It worked after I came back later and submitted so I guess nevermind.
  3. Nice run buddy. Your I-RAM don't do much for this bench do they.
  4. Why do you need my GPU specs for wprime anyway? Itried filling it out like i would normally and it just kicks back I am missing information like when my GPU cold bugs like I'm supposed to know.
  5. Why in the heck do I need to know where my motherboard cold bugs? I don't do sud-ambient...how would I know. Or my chip when It's on air? How am I supposed to fill things I don't know? I ask b/c these are the thing s it ask me when I try to submit my newest wprime scores.
  6. My American Nightmare huh? Better just sit in your rocking chair and watch me pwn you repeatedly.
  7. How the fuck? 34 points is 34 points regardless. It should be a tie. Or that just a random rule to screw us?
  8. Your automatically awarded bonus points for pissing off Mr.Scott. That's why we have 36.
  9. What Scotty? Nothing too say? Now that's not like you. I told you torin3 and I had this. Next time recognize. Opty out chump.
  10. If that ain't the pot calling the kettle black....but since we are going there your a mediocre overclocker @ best and a constant whiner when you don't get your way. You've had bones with me since I started pwning you in socket A and now I'm not on your team you get to let it all out. I will always be better than you Scotty so just face the facts and move on.
  11. Except I don't own a 1207 or 1366 board Scotty and I bought the 640, P3 and M boards expressly for the comp. You don't even make sense anymore Scotty. Go crawl back under your troll bridge.
  12. That's why I suggested it to Massman. You don't need tons of cash to bench dual-socket. Most of the boards cost less than 50 bucks and the skill and or know how required to actually overclock them levels the playing field a bit. Hell most people here have never heard of a K8N-DRE but it's IMO the best damn 940 board around if you know how to make it go. I happen to know and have shown exactly 1 person how in 2 years.
  13. Well done old foe. I don't think I can get under it but I'll give it a shot of course.
  14. Haters goin' ta hate no matter what. Quit whining b/c you can't use that board you just dropped 300 too many dollars on for this months challenge. Probably should send it back anyway Intel probably borked that chipset too;)
  15. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2170918_xsat_3dmark_vantage___performance_geforce_gts_240_5806_marks This guys getting points and cups for a GTS 240 using a GT 240.
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