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Everything posted by OptyTrooper

  1. Thanks as always Turrican.
  2. Could you add the GA-7DPXDWP please. http://www2010.gigabyte.com/Support/Networking/BIOS_Model.aspx?ProductID=1030&ver=#anchor_os
  3. Well I might have some MP-2400's coming in today. That's only a rumor mind you.
  4. Since when did you start child hating Massman? I mean others I knew but is this a recent development?
  5. Thanks for finding my missing boints Christian.
  6. So I resubmitted. Am I ever going to get my boints for this? http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/athlon_64_4200_x2_windsor?tab=2drankings#/manufacturer.rankings.do?applicationId=14&manufacturer=amd&hardwareTypeId=CPU_1142&hardwareType=CPU&tabid=cpubenchmarks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2161318_optytrooper_wprime_32m_athlon_64_4200_x2_windsor_26sec_37ms
  7. So if I understand correctly teams like mine that have benchers who run tons of legacy hardware and hold the top spots will benefit from this. Right?
  8. So I can submit my old socket 1207 runs seeing as I sold my board? I mean they are valid runs and I have pics.
  9. Not too shabby for a practice run. I'll be submitting 462 this week but it looks like you may have me beat out the gate. Looks like I may have to settle for 2nd on that one.
  10. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2168814_bones_wprime_32m_2x_athlon_xp_m_2800__38sec_531ms I knew you'd pop up. Nice run Bones. I'll be setting up for 462 as well but I think you got me beat out the gate.
  11. PC Games who? http://hwbot.org/competition/hoc_may11
  12. No but I say that only b/c I have Opterons e.g. no FX's. Seriously if they fit the socket they are allowed AFAIK.
  13. Just firing an opening salvo. I have a pretty pair of 1.4GHz sitting here just waiting.
  14. B/C someone has to do it. Why do you hoard binned chips?
  15. From CP forums not here Christian. NO memeber of CP has messaged me here concerning this matter.
  16. I bought you that board idiot then you have the gall to say I OWE YOU? Don't worry Shrimpy you can't beat me anyway and I have a nice little K8N-DL so what use would your K8N-DRE? PM's on the forum I was banned from. Kinda hard to do. Moron.
  17. LOL. Not only are you a mediocre overclocker @ best your a windbag too. Time for me take the high road. Yammer away Shrimp.
  18. This time I'm saving all my runs till the end. Thank you for this challenge. Dual socket is my bread and butter. BTW It's nice to be heard. You and I were not on the best of terms but I think I mis judged you. Sorry. Turns out your not the devil him self.
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