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Everything posted by OptyTrooper

  1. Then let the "pros" (again I use the term loosely and with a bit of sarcasm as there are a LOT of benchers here that with access to the same equipment/sponsors would make those pros look like bums) play in their own league and leave us little guys alone. Rev. 3 hurt a lot of small guys and gals (though I think I actually gained points) and I'm afraid rev. 4 will be the final thrust of the dagger if you catch my drift. IF an "amateur" is able to pull himself up by his or her bootstraps and catch the attention of the corporate sponsors then great. If not @ least let him play in a field where his efforts count for something.
  2. This. If it keeps the manufacturers from turning this site into one big commercial I'll gladly lay down my $.
  3. Seriously? It's not as if WE are the only ones opposed to this change. I for one apologize for implying that your in for the $ as it were. However it can't be denied that this move appears to be driven largely by said $. Those that afford to swap hardware every hour/day what have you or receive free hardware are going to benefit form this and the small guys REGARDLESS of the team are going to suffer. It appears at this point that a vast majority of those who have weighed in are opposed to this change or parts there of. If you do not take that into serious consideration then you do yourself an injustice and the community as a whole the same.
  4. Said better than I ever could. Let's hope it is taken to heart. All I see coming of this is the swift demise of HWBOT as a legitimate arena for competition in overclocking.
  5. WOW. I t looks like the plan for rev 4.0 is a huge success already. Very well received I must say. so many positive responses already guys that I'm sure you'll push ahead with it. You would do well to remember this is a community or used to be.
  6. Love how you skirted the fact that this change ONLY "benefits" the big spenders/sponsored overclockers/teams. Gigabyte has deep pockets don't they Massman?
  7. I realize why it's being done chew and in principle I agree but the methodology behind it seems a bit radical. It opens the door to anyone not liking someones score b/c they got pwned to scream hardware sharing.
  8. AMD only made X amount of 939 CPU's and since 2 members of the same team bench a X2 3800 Toledo they are now hardware sharing? Ridiculous.
  9. This is a horrible revision that seems designed for all intents and purposes to eliminate the small overclockers being competitive all together and feed the "pros" (I use the term loosely. Slap a pallet of new parts in my hands and I'll pwn 1/2 of the so called pros) and their corporate sponsors. It's nicely wrapped in a package of promoting fairness but I can wrap a turd in Christmas paper but it's still a turd.
  10. Ok they are gone again. What the heck!
  11. Ticket ID: 1007 Priority: Medium I am assuming this is a bug seeing as I have over 100 gold cups..\r\n\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/community/user/optytrooper?tab=achievements Nevermind. They are back now. Strange.
  12. Much appreciated.
  13. Ticket ID: 992 Priority: Low Could you please change my forum SN to OptyTrooper to reflect the name I bench under? I used to bench under my current forum name (AmericanNightmare) way back when I benched for OCN but I am no longer affiliated with that site or team. It would probably help simplify things as well. \r\n\r\nSo to clarify I would like my forum name changed to OptyTrooper for the above reasons.\r\n\r\nThank you very much for your time.
  14. Could you fix this for me? I forced recalculation but no joy. I have the 2nd (1.5pts) place spot but it's only credited as 3rd (1pt) probably b/c the submission above me was removed b/c it was submitted using the wrong CPU. Thank you. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1043297_optytrooper_cpu_z_celeron_s478_2.1ghz_3207.24_mhz?tab=info
  15. They only make them here in Missouri I think Bud.
  16. Guess it's time for me to back to the drawing board then;) I spoke hastily. My apologies.
  17. Thanks for the quick response. I'm benching her right now.
  18. Xeon 2.4GHz Prestonia 20/512/1MB socket 604 Differs from the other Prestonia 2.4Ghz in that it has a 1MB L3 and operates @ 1.525v. Here's the CPU-Z link:http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1318796 Thanks
  19. Thanks guys. I am rather pleased with the IS7. Aside from it's wretched Vdimm selection that is but that can be remedied easy enough. While I have no concrete proof of this it "seems" to perform better than my P4C800's do. It just feels more solid too me.
  20. I for one am enjoying the competition. Though I likely won't win once the big guns come out @ the end I can @ least be competitive. There's no way I can afford the latest and greatest hardware and snazzy cooling but I can always afford a $5 dollar CPU or even a garage sale PC that holds some little gem inside. I need to grab a PS/2 PCI card and I'll be firing up my s7 EDO board as well.
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