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CornerJack last won the day on December 19 2022

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  1. Thank you !
  2. First series of tests with the Dominator Platinum RGB 6600 MT/s CL32 kit. I used the profiles of the DARK K|NGP|N by modifying some parameters. There is still room for optimization but it's already a very good start. The Corsair kit seems to work perfectly with the motherboard ?
  3. Need to see now this motherboard in Europe... and thanks for guide !
  4. Hello, I also just received the motherboard but where the 5066 strap goes without a problem with the APEX, impossible with the OC Formula. During Geekbench 3.4.2, the benchmark crashes every time when dijsktra. Any ideas? A particular trick? Thanks a lot.
  5. First test under LN2 with Asus Crosshair VIII Dark and 5950X : https://hwbot.org/submission/4624385_cornerjack_cinebench___r15_ryzen_9_5950x_6508_cb 58 x 100 (1.5875v) - FLCK 1400 - 3800 MHz 14-13-13-28 (1.5v) - profil LN2 from BIOS SOC 1.35v PLL 2.1v VDDG CCD 1.15v I have a few questions. Currently, I'm managing to bencher 5.8 GHz at Cinebench R15 at -155°C. I was able to pass 5850 MHz but the score is a hundred points worse than 5800 MHz ? The CPU also accepts to take full pot but I can't do better. After a few seconds of benchs, the PC reboot with a code A6 and impossible to make Cinebench again. If I switch from CPU score to Fire Strike, I can do 5.7 without any problem. Do you have any idea why ? Thank you.
  6. Hello, feedback with my Ryzen 9 5950X on the Crosshair VIII Dark Hero (BIOS 2402). Under watercooling 4.7 GHz 1.19v R15/R20 and 4.8 GHz 1.29v. First test under LN2 with my Ryzen 5950X on the C8D. The CPU takes 5.8 GHz at 1.5875 volt (multimeter) at -155°C. I think I have a coldbug at -160°C and I also have a code 07 coming in while the FCLK frequency is only 1400 MHz. I will do another set of tests tomorrow. SOC : 1.35v - VDDG CCD : 1.15v - VDDG IOD : 0.9v - PLL : 2.1v Do you think my coldbug at -160°C can come from the FCLK? If I put a voltage higher than 1.62v, the motherboard will reboot directly, so even at -155°C, I can't try to increase the frequency.
  7. Hello, evbot and GTX680 avaible? Thanks
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