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Everything posted by DrWeez

  1. hmmm looks like you can't change vDDR or AUX voltz! ask for a better version
  2. searched the interweb all day and still can not find this "nda secret" you suggest we must read. :D
  3. who authorized that leave! :D Quick question. Has anyone else notice that if you set Core voltage to say +50 and gpu clock to say +50 and click save it applies fine. Then go change gpu clocks and then when you click save the core voltage drops! I'm not talking about the normal +50 drop to +43. It drops again from +43 on the next save and then again on the next save. Anyone have the same issue? or even better a fix! @elmor nice run there dude but your comment does have me a little concerned, "proper voltage control" is there a light at the end of the tunnel for us or have I just blown a butt load of cash on hardware that will never be pushed to its full potential!
  4. there, I fixed it
  5. this comparison is no good dude. You can't compare drivers or bios with the memory @ 1066 vs LN2 @ 1200 use the same system settings for both tests and then see if the boost is that big.
  6. I have a pretty good iron if you need some help getting rid of those kinks just saying
  7. sigh... +100 is all msi would give me
  8. Definitely not as fun.
  9. Photoshop level +700 :D
  10. ffs Vivi, old post, seen it before and just got nailed!
  11. agree BIG problem. it would be rather interesting if every one is caped to what every the max is, say1.2vgpu but then again it would be rather boring as well. The best cpu would take the ticket umm not..... good, he can use my card if he can get it back to me by the 27th
  12. 5 or 6 landed last week, more this week at the other MSI Distro but that I'm sure is the total allocation for ZA for the next 3 months I have some cards on hold while I try to find the cash.
  13. This is an option I have been thinking about after seeing the format before the start, two tickets are already out of reach of the hardware Vivi and I have at our disposal and with the 3rd relying on a lot of "maybes" or "what if" scenarios. I'm not sure if i can justify spending even more money to get up to 4 cards, find a 5.7 X79 chip then add into the mix the tools we "need" are not available. man the mind go's into overdrive just to try and calculate all the permutations and what hardware need to be found in order to prepare and give your self a chance.
  14. easiest way? there is no easy way
  15. yeah was thinking the same thing, do you use the int or the alt method
  16. naw bra, 18840 is a little low :D better sell me that chip it is no good for this comp
  17. one out of one hundred is good. All the Malay i have tried are poo first costa chip kicked all the others Malays in the ass
  18. damn, looks like i will need to let the kidneys go
  19. sweet idea, I just got a really good offer for my kidney's but might have to include an arm or a leg
  20. cool thanks MM, Mixed regions, same as last year? or is there a switch up to add some excitement?
  21. over 100, one to five word entries WTF is wrong with ppl maybe only in it for the lucky draws... who knows
  22. nice finish guys with some really nice scores Well Done to everyone and good luck to the TOP 4 at the grand finials
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