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Everything posted by DrWeez

  1. under 4 hours to go! waiting for the fireworks
  2. your tweet (Mr Hwbot) haz me confused! is it top 3 or top 4 go to MOA Final?
  3. interesting, 2 new lightnings are rated 75%. not sure if good or bad and no Ln2 until payday to test. cool thanks
  4. true story bro
  5. nice card there dude, if you don't mind sharing, what is the cards ASIC quality score?
  6. Yes, L221A997 50x100 @ 1.3v and 6450 @ 1.89 4c4t to much heat when trying to going higher. with some fine tuning _maybe_ 50 to 100 mhz more but not worth the effort
  7. lost I'm afraid, cant seem to remember where I put it
  8. troll this thread makes me sad /troll
  9. it was just a thought I like to try and keep it clean during a session, screen shot, cut and paste no issues. still quicker than my current method a LOT quicker.
  10. A suggestion. if it will not over complicate the app, what about a customizable save location for the screenshot or a tick box to enable save screenshot to exe location?
  11. very nice! great job guys THANKS
  12. naaaice CPU dude, looking forward to more
  13. but if its hidden how will we track it thanks dude this should be an interesting investigation subscribed
  14. shot guys naw dude, I had issues, tested 5 GD65's the boards that had .1399 ME and if the bios was updated to 10.5 with out updating ME to 1410 gave the biggest issues. it took me 4 boards to realize the issue with the bios/ME and now my 5th is still solid several session later. the boards that gave the locked issues work perfectly as a NAS and media center
  15. please check http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2291718_hiwa_3dmark05_radeon_hd_7970_63546_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2293629_drweez_3dmark05_radeon_hd_7970_63234_marks
  16. eish! The EMEA MOA Qualifiers has been extremely tough for alot of us judging by some of the conversations and posts here. while MSi has done a great job with the Z77A-GD65 and i like the board compared to its predecessors but only the first couple of bench session are great and then something go's wrong with the ME8/bios and or the components on the board. I have had 4 boards now that developed the issue where the maximum multiplier is 39x and after a wipe/reflash the board works and functionality is restored but no stability at high clocks and low temps can be reached again. added to this have tested a total of five 7970 Lightnings and the results have been a wild! 1) LN2 CB -140 1600 @ 1.598 - AIR 1300Mhz @ 1.3 2) LN2 CB -30 1550 @ 1.550 - AIR 1300Mhz @ 1.3 3) LN2 CB -80 1630 @ 1.610 - AIR 1300Mhz @ 1.3 - DEAD (0.0 vGPU) 4) LN2 CB -90 1500 @ 1.650 - AIR 1200Mhz @ 1.3 - DEAD (0.0 vGPU) 5) LN2 CB -95 1610 @ 1.620 - AIR 1300Mhz @ 1.3 Last night my best 7970 lightning died while testing memory clocks for SuperPi32 on a GD65 that had the 39x error fix, stock bios, stock heat sink at stock clocks just 5 seconds into 06 with 0.0vGPU :( My best sessions was always my first session so after 4 weeks of hard frustrating benching tonight will be my last dash to the finish line (If I can get 03 and 11 to load) with my last good 7970 on my 5th GD65 with a new CPU. This has been a real wild ride of emotions but all the same what a great competition and good luck to everyone during the last 2 days of benching Thank you MSi, Hwbot and every one else who has assisted and advised over the last 4 weeks
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