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Everything posted by andressergio

  1. Alvaro, tenés el mismo tab de mem, me di cuenta la miras las que hicimos acá. Sdos. Sergio.
  2. thank you very much brother ! I will correct asap ! this CPU is the best i ever had ! Kind Regards Sergio
  3. Great Score bro i said how on earth he did it now i see you have the beast 5960X i got one on the way congats very nice result !!! Kind Regards Sergio
  4. bro why new versions of this bench scores super low i see you run 4x SLI TITAN, im on 4x 780...see the other guys have 206440+
  5. Nice mike that 5GHz HT was on water ? with L329C241 ??? that is the one i was offered Thanks ! Sergio
  6. very good mike a seller offered me that batch today but maybe not the same OC you tried only one chip ? best regards Sergio
  7. Sorry Don i never lie and for my VIDEO benches mem is on XMP profile
  9. Don i was thinking again the weekend why its possible to rank with TeamX 3300 that are MFR and why not with GSKILL at 3250 that are CFR !!! most ppl cant even boot at 3100 with them and i can but i dont recieve any points...its so weird i dont understand the engine they are very dif memory modules...
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