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Everything posted by xxbassplayerxx

  1. I asked TiN the same thing over at KPC and he said it would be possible to do it but he cannot release NVidia's voltage tables for Arduino since they wouldn't be compiled in .exe form and would essentially be out in the open.
  2. I'm always good with stage repeats as long as it's different faces and a year later! i7 C0 + GT200 was a blast.
  3. When submitting a score using the "Prepopulate fields by previous submission", all of the imported information is not immediately configurable. To change the memory frequencies, cooling, IC type, CB/CBB, etc. you muse re-select the Memory Type. Otherwise these options are not available. Before clicking on Memory Type: After clicking on Memory Type: I only submit this as a bug because I couldn't figure out how to change the memory frequency recently and resorted to re-typing everything each time.
  4. It does??? Mine is in my daily and crashes all the time. I had assumed it was expired lol
  5. 275 Lightning, as well, though I think that used Voltera so other apps worked fine.
  6. Hey Bull, I have the standard board now and the LN2 version is on the way. BBSE are HyperX 2000 9-9-9 and Trident 2000 9-9-9. Not exceptional bins, but you'd think some of the six sticks would be capable of 2600 7-9-7 at worst. I was able to get two of the six to do 2400 9-11-9 but then they wouldn't run it together. The IMC is capable of pushing Samsung really tight so I can't see how it would struggle so much with BBSE. Basically, since my results are so miserable, I'm pretty sure I'm doing it wrong.
  7. I should have the SOC Force LN2 shortly as well
  8. Wow... great prices. Can the venom mount on 1150?
  9. Bull, You willing to upload a loose profile with BBSE? I have six sticks of BBSE and only two could do 2400 C9 with a lot set on Auto. I can't find much info on how to tune BBSE so I don't really know where to modify. Any tricks with the Giga board? Training at 2400 and then raising to 2600, etc.?
  10. Wow... 5.5 on water? Sounds lovely!
  11. Sounds like it'll be a gem cold!
  12. This was happening to me a ton yesterday. Got so bad I gave up
  13. There should be a batch file as well. Run that!
  14. I had about 1L of LN2 left and had just warmed up the pot a bit to get it off the G3258 rig and decided just to set it on the 2600K to see what was up. I navigated the BIOS for about 5 minutes and then it crashed. Bootloops from there. Pretty sure some of the ice that had formed on the pot melted and went into the socket/onto the board. Since there was no insulation it shut down pretty quickly. That's what happens when you DGAF . Will find out this evening if anything died.
  15. Pretty sure the chips is junk so this may not be happening... Just going to cool it down to verify max 54x multiplier
  16. Has anyone hacked one of these together for Haswell yet?
  17. I either have the UP7 or a P8P67 Deluxe to use. No good PSC or BBSE but I do have good Samsung and Hypers.
  18. Has anyone had experience with running Sandy on Z77? I have a UP7 that I'd like to use with a 2600K but I don't want to waste my time if it will inhibit the clocks.
  19. Just tried again. No luck
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