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Everything posted by 1Day

  1. Not really happy that Sam's results are gone. It there was a problem with a result then that problem needed to be resolved. One way or another. So far all I have heard is a request of video footage, and a request for proof. The implication is that the result that was posted is bugged or bogus. Now if it is bugged then fine it should not be in the competition and Sam pulled a result that was apparently bugged early in the first weeks of the submissions. What was missing was the why there should be a need for proof or why there was a need for a video of the runs Sam did. That why is quite important I think. So my question is this. Was there a problem with the submissions? If yes what kind of problem was it? Bugged run? How was it bugged please point out what a novice 32Mil bencher like me just did not see. Bogus? Well that is far more serious. If this is the claim then it is time to expand and lay it out for scrutiny. Expand and explain please why and what has roused suspicion. Just because the submissions have been pulled does not make this situation go away or alter the fact that a persons integrity has been cast into doubt. I think the time is here for people to put up or fold. Detail what issues or problems were suspected about the submissions and post them. Because if Sam has done no wrong then a few public apologies are going to be required I think.
  2. Really wanted you to break the 9 min barrier, for all of us 750 CPU bencher's. Really good run mate.
  3. Man alive the boy can bench. Way to go Sam.
  4. hehehe You lot are truly bad - poor Marc takes such stick for being pretty.
  5. I can only assume that your result was blocked because someone reported it. The moderators do not go around looking at peoples results. They will only look if someone reports the entry. So if you find results that are not run at the default setting report them, just as your result had to have been reported. All results are peer reviewed results. What that means is that those members who are benching the same hardware will police those results that are similar to theirs. Once a result is found that they do not think is correct, it could be bugged or have the wrong hardware specified or any of the 100's perfectly normal human error type glitches that are made during submission to the bot, then they report it (flag is a better word) and a moderator will have a look and decide what is the appropriate action to take. Now running benchmarks at default settings is mandatory - that includes the default benchmark screen resolution. Does not mean your screen has to be that resolution of course. Just that the benchmark not be changed from default setting. Regards
  6. Dinos I know I could do better just do not have access to anything to freeze my toys :D So I am done for the 4000MHz plus side of things I guess. There is no way I can get my 750 to post at 235 on air so no gains for me in the 4Ghz competition are possible either. I have matched my time posted 14 times in the last couple of weeks but never bettered it in over 200 runs. Has been a great competition. Congrats to all that took part and especially to those who are contenders. The big winners are those of us who had the opportunity to bench with some parity using entry level budget CPU's. I certainly can not ask for more. Cheers
  7. I did not even measure actual - just set and forget. It is what I had to do. Oh and hope of course. I could only find a few pieces of Dry Ice from a local resturant that he was going to toss, to bench with. So my benching session was over too quick. Got my brand new one day old i3-530 CPU to 5.6 benchable but had no time to tweak or test what CW worked best or anything. Did some runs in Win7 just to get them done and have something to submit. Then started with the XP and CW. Made a difference - a big difference as I was able to cut 5 secs with the first attempt. But just how much who can say, I will never know. Managed only one more run before the DI was finished. And that is me done for the competition. 750 is back in my 24/7 box and the baby board and 530 are now the HTPC system. Thanks to HWOBOT and Gigabyte for the fun competition this last month. And I hope we have more competitions like this - ones that all can participate in and not just the lucky few with heaps of money to buy the kit. Budget is Best.
  8. Maybe the with Wazza Pi 32mil is waiting as back up?
  9. I have had my board do the loop thing a couple of time but a simple power down clear CMOS and bam we were ready to go - but no mods done to my board. Virgin she is. And once this comp is over she will be a working HTPC mobo. Honda give f3 or f5b a go. All the ram ratio's worked just fine for me.
  10. hahahahahaahahhaa Now we are talking. Looks like the competition is hotting up really nicely.
  11. Quit teasing us Hondacity show us your back-up.
  12. Love it Pro - you guys are all nuts.
  13. Looks like a good start. Nice to see that HWBOT is so progressive and pro-active. Kudos guys.
  14. Did not realise that ES was allowed. Gosh need to read the rules better.
  15. I thought that ES chips are not to be used?
  16. That is seriously crazy stuff dude in the middle of NY. Thanks for the link.
  17. Hey trans am post that guide to teh OCX tweak thing dude.
  18. Hell no you are not the only one. This is what benching and overcloking is all about - getting the best out of budget equipment and having a blast doing it. Has been a really good three weeks of fun with that tiny motherboard and two entry level CPU's. Toss in some OEM ram and a huge slice of learning how to bench 32mil, and you have the recipe for a good time overclocking. Not so sure about your poetry mind you.
  19. Pieter was that run with any CW? The test you did.
  20. WOW thank you very very much DeDal I will give that a try. Oh and looks like you and Massman are hard at it - good benching my friend.
  21. :celebration: And it just gets better and better. More more more....
  22. Hell no you are not - and you should not be. :D Go forth and kick some serious butt with your single stage.
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